Ebenezer Baptist Chapel Register, Bedale
Baptism – 13th May 1815
Francis Earle & Frances Smith both baptised in the Baptist chapel on the same day seven months before marrying in the parish church of Bedale
St Gregory's Church, Bedale
Marriage – 7th December 1816
Francis Earle & Frances Smith
Ebenezer Baptist Chapel Register, Bedale
Baptism – 4th December 1817
Fanny daughter of Francis & Frances Earle
Dishforth & Langforth Chapels Particular Baptist Register
Baptism – 4th September 1819
Elizabeth daughter of Francis & Frances Earle
St Gregory's Church, Bedale
Burial – 6th December 1820
Fanny daughter of Francis & Frances Earle
Pigots Directory 1822
Ripon - Surgeon
Francis Earle, Westgate
Dishforth & Langforth Chapels Particular Baptist Register
Baptism – 25th April 1822
Fanny daughter of Francis & Frances Earle
Baptism – 19th March 1823
Francis son of Francis & Frances Earle
Baptism – 30th November 1824
Mary daughter of Francis & Frances Earle
Baptism – 7th July 1826
William son of Francis & Frances Earle
Baptism – 22nd December 1827
George son of Francis & Frances Earle
Baptism – 9th March 1828
Caroline daughter of Francis & Frances Earle
St Gregory's Church, Bedale
Burial – 14th April 1828
George son of Francis & Frances Earle
Pigot's Trade Directory 1829
Ripon - Surgeons
Francis Earle, North Street
Dishforth & Langforth Chapels Particular Baptist Register
Baptism – 19th August 1831
George son of Francis & Frances Earle
St Gregory's Church, Bedale
Burial – 8th February 1832
William son of Francis & Frances Earle
Pigot's Trade Directory 1834
Ripon - Surgeons
Francis Earle, North St.
Dishforth & Langforth Chapels Particular Baptist Register
Baptism – 30th April 1834
John son of Francis & Frances Earle
Pateley Bridge Polling District - 1835
Francis Earle of North Street, Ripon voted for Lord Viscount Morpeth (Whig)
Thomas Earle of Ripon voted for the Hon. John Stuart Wortley (Tory)
St Gregory's Church, Bedale
Burial – 12th October 1836
Caroline daughter of Francis & Frances Earle
Whites Trade Directory 1837
Ripon - Fishmgr
Thos. Earle, Mkt
Ripon - Surgeons
Earle Fra. North St.
Names of Shareholders of Joint Stock Banks Registered in March 1838
Swaledale & Wensleydale Banking Co.
Francis Earle, Ripon
Yorkshire Gazette - November 2nd 1839
Ripon - It gives us much pleasure to announce that at the last public entrance (October) in Trinity College, Dublin, Master Francis Earl, son of Dr. Earl, of Ripon obtained the sixth place out of 84 candidates for admission. This young gentleman was educated at the grammar school, in that city, under the Rev. Wm. Flint
West Yorkshire Electoral Registers
Thomas Earle - Freehold House, Finkle Street, Market Place, Ripon
Francis Earle - Freehold Land, North Street, High Common, Ripon
1841 Census
134 North Street, Ripon (PRO Ref: HO107/1352/3)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Francis Earle |
47 |
Surgeon |
Yorkshire |
Frances Earle |
50 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Earle |
21 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Fanny Earle |
20 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Francis Earle |
18 |
- |
Yorkshire |
George Earle |
9 |
- |
Yorkshire |
John Earle |
7 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Finkle Street, Ripon (PRO Ref: HO107/1352/4)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Thomas Earle |
55 |
Fishmonger |
Yorkshire |
Mary Earle |
56 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Earle |
19 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Mary Earle |
18 |
- |
Yorkshire |
John Robson | 10 | - | Yorkshire |
Mary Robson | 3 | - | Yorkshire |
Susanna Bates | 15 | General Servant | Yorkshire |
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Marriages in the Ripon District for September 1843 (volume 23 page 391)
Mary Earle & James Dunnington
Last Will & Testament - from the Registry of the Prerogative Court of York (38)
Francis Earle, of Ripon
This is the last Will and Testament of me Francis Earle of the City of Ripon, Doctor of Medicine. In the first place I direct all my just debts, funeral expenses and testamentary charges and expenses to be paid by my Executrix and Executors hereinafter monies out of my Personal Estate. I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Frances for her own use all my household furniture, plate, linen, china, wine and other effects in the dwelling house wherein I shall reside at the time of my decease and also all my books – except such as relate to my profession in medicine. I also give to my said wife a legacy of one hundred pounds to be paid to her immediately after my decease. I give unto my eldest son Francis all my medicine books and instruments for his own use. I give and devise all my cottages, lands and hereditaments situate at Aiskew in the County of York unto my said wife and her assigns for the term of her natural life. And from and after her decease I give and devise the same cottages, lands and hereditaments unto and to the use of my two younger sons George Earle and John Earle as tenants in common and their heirs and assigns for ever. But in case either of them my said sons George and John shall die under the age of twenty-one years without having issue surviving them I give and devise the moiety of him so dying unto the survivor of them, his heirs and assigns. And in case both my said sons George and John shall die under the age of twenty-one years without leaving issue then surviving them I give and devise the same cottages, lands and hereditaments unto my said son Francis Earle his heirs and assigns for ever. I give and bequeath unto my said wife and my friends Richard Linn and Samuel Wise, both of the City of Ripon, Gentleman the sum of three thousand pounds upon trust that they and the survivors and survivor of them and the Executors or administrators of such survivor do and shall either continue the same upon the securities in or upon which the said sum may be invested at the time of my decease or call in and re-invest the same upon Government or real securities at interest with full power at all times to alter and vary such securities at their discretion or as occasion may require and do and shall pay to or permit and suffer my said wife to receive the interest and annual proceeds thereof for her own use during the term of her natural life. And from and after her decease upon trust that my said trustees and trustee do and pay and divide the sum of two thousand pounds, part of the said sum of three thousand pounds, unto and among my three daughters Elizabeth, Fanny and Mary in equal shares as tenants in common as and when they shall severally attain the age of twenty-one years with equal benefit of survivorship amongst them in case of the death of any of them under that age. ??? and shall pay and divide the sum of one thousand pounds, the residue of the said trust money, unto and equally between my said two younger sons George and John as tenants in common as and when they shall respectively attain the age of twenty-one years with benefit of survivorship between them in case either of them shall die under the age of twenty one years. And if both my said younger sons shall die under that age then it is my will and mind and I direct that the said sum of one thousand pounds shall ??? into and form part of my residuary personal estate. I give, devise and bequeath unto my said wife Frances and the said Richard Linn and Samuel Wise and their heirs all that my messuage or dwelling house situate in North Street in the City of Ripon with the surgery, stables, gardens and outhouses belonging the same ??? my own occupation. And all those my three cottages or tenements and gardens behind or near to my said dwelling house now or lately occupied by Miss Newsham, William Barker and William Richardson. And all that my messuage or dwelling house with the workshops, foundry cottages, buildings, yards and other the premises which I purchased of the assignees of Joseph Bradwell situate in Finkle Street and in Allhallowgate in the said City of Ripon and all those my ??? parcels of land or garden ground situate on Ripon high common and now in the respective occupations of William Barker and William Southwaite. And all my buildings, lands and hereditaments situate at or near Scorton in the said County of York. And also all other my real estate and property whatsoever and wheresoever not herein before specifically devised and of whatever nature or tenure the same may be to hold the same unto my said wife and the said Richard Linn and Samuel Wise their heirs and assigns for ever or for all my estate and interest therein upon the trusts and for the purposes hereinafter ??? the same that is to say upon trust that they my said wife and the said Richard Linn and Samuel Wise and the survivors and survivor of them and their heirs and assigns of such survivor or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my will so and shall at anytime or times after my decease whenever they or ??? shall think it expedient or desirable sell and absolution dispose of my said messuages, cottages, lands, hereditaments and real estate either by private auction or private contract at discretion for the best price or in prices that can be reasonably obtained for the same with full power to survey and assure the same when sold unto the purchaser money and to all other acts requisite for perfecting any such sale, or sales. And I do hereby ??? that the receipt and receipts of my said trustees or trustee shall be a good and effectual discharge and good and effectual discharges to the purchasers or purchaser of my said real estate for all monies therein ??? to be received and that such purchaser or purchasers shall not afterwards be answerable for the same or be obliged to see to the application thereof. And I direct and declare that the trustees and trustee for the time being of this my will shall transfer of the purchase monies to arise and be produced ??? sale or sales as aforesaid upon the trusts hereinafter declared concerning the same I give and bequeath all my money, book, desks and securities for money and all my horses and carriages and all other my personal estate and effects whatsoever not herein before specifically disposed of unto my said wife and the said Richard Linn and Samuel Wise their Executors, administrators and assigns upon trust to convert into money all such parts thereof as may not consist of money at my decease and to pay and discharge thereof all my just debts, funeral and testimony charges and expenses and the legacies or sums herein before by me bequeathed. And upon trust to hand possessed of the residue of the said trust monies upon the trusts and for the interests and purposes herein after declared concerning the same. And it is my will and mind and I do hereby declare and direct that my said trustees and the survivors and survivor of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my will shall hand possessed of all the monies to arise by the sale or sales of my said real estate after payment of the costs and expenses therein attendant and also of the residue of my personal estate upon the trusts and for the intents and purposes and under and subject to the powers, provisos and declarations herein after expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say upon trust to divide the said trust monies into six equal parts, or shares and as to one equal sixth part thereof in trust to pay or transfer the same unto my said son Francis Earle for his own use and benefit and as to another equal sixth part thereof in trust for my said son George Earle and to be paid or transferred to him as and when he shall attain the age of twenty-one years and as to another equal sixth part thereof in trust for my said son George Earle and to be paid or transferred to him as and when he shall attain the age of twenty-one provided nevertheless that in case both or ??? of my said sons George and John shall die under the age of twenty-one years without leaving lawful issue surviving them it is my will and mind that the shares or share of them or him so dying shall go and be paid unto, and equally amongst my other surviving children and the issue of any child who may be their ??? issue taking the share which the parent would have been ??? to had he or she been then living. And as to the remaining three equal shares with parts or shares of the said trust monies upon trust to invest the same upon Government or real security at interest with full power at all times to vary and transfer such a security at discretion. And in trust to pay the dividends and annual proceeds of one equal share part thereof unto my said daughter Elizabeth for the term of her natural life and the dividends and annual proceeds of another equal shared part thereof unto my said daughter Fanny during her natural life and the dividends and annual proceeds of the remaining shared part thereof unto my daughter Mary during her natural life. And I declare ??? that the respective receipts of my said daughters above notwithstanding adventure shall be good and ??? discharged for the same dividends and annual proceeds and that the same shall be for their respective sole and separate use and benefit and not subject to the control, debts or engagements of any husband with whom they may respectively into marry and that they my said daughters shall not in any wise ??? the said dividends by anticipation. And from and after the decease of each of my said daughters upon trust to pay and transfer one equal ??? part or share of the capital of the said last ??? trust money into and amongst the children or issue of each of my said daughters so dying in such parts, shares and proper ??? my said daughters respectively shall by their respective last wills and testaments only execute, direct or appoint and in default of such direction or appointment then unto and amongst all the children of each of my said daughters in equal shares and proportions with equal benefit of ??? amongst such children of each of my said daughters in case of the death of any of them under the age of twenty-one years. And in case any of my said daughters shall die without leaving issue ??? surviving then upon trust to pay and transfer the third share of such daughter so dying as last aforesaid unto such person, or persons as she last mentioned daughter shall by the last will and testament to be legally executed, direct or appoint and on default of such last mentioned direction or appointment there upon ??? to pay and transfer such said last mentioned third part, or share unto and equally amongst the surviving brothers and sisters of such daughter and the issue of any brother or sister who may be ??? dead such issue taking the share which that parent would have been entitled to had the issue been then living. Provided always that it is my will and mind that in case either of my said sons George and John shall not have attained the age of twenty-one years at the time of my decease or shall be lawful for the trustees or trustee for the ??? of this my will to pay and apply the interest and annual proceeds of their ??? shares of the said trust monies respectively for and towards their respective maintenance duration and benefit and also to pay and apply any part of the surplus of such shares respectively just exercising one moiety or half part thereof in placing them in or to any business or profession or otherwise for their ??? in the words provided also and I hereby do declare that the receipt, or receipts in writing of the trustees or trustee for the time being under this my will shall be a good and ??? receipt and discharge for any sum, or sums of money which shall be paid to them him or her under or by virtue of this my last will or any of the trusts or powers herein contained and that the persons or person paying such sum or sums of money and taking such a receipt or receipts as aforesaid shall not afterwards be answerable or unsuitable for the same or liable to see to appropriation thereof provided further and I do also declare and direct that in the meantime and until all my said real estate and property shall be sold under, or by virtue of the trusts of this my will the ??? and profits thereof shall be paid and applied by the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my will in such and the same manner and for the same purposes as the interest and annual proceeds of the monies to arise by the sale there in case the same had been sold would have been applicable under the trusts herein before declared containing the same I give and devise unto my said wife and the said Richard Linn and Samuel Wise and their heirs all estates vested in me upon any trust or by way of mortgage in order that they may release money and assign the same for all necessary purposes subject nevertheless to the equities affecting the same respectively. Provided always and I do hereby also declare that in case the trustees in and by this my will appointed or any of them or any ??? or other trustees or trustee of the said trust estates and peculiars to be appointed as herein after mentioned or their or any of their heirs, executors or administrators shall happen to die or be desirous to be discharged from or refuse or ??? or become incapable to act in the trusts or powers herein before contained before the same trusts shall have been fully performed or satisfies them and so often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful for the surviving or continuing or other trustees or trustee or the executors or administrators of the last surviving trustee by any deed or writing under their or his hands and seals or hand and seal to appoint any other person or persons to be a trustee or trustees in the place of such trustee or trustees so dying or desiring to be discharged or refusing or becoming incapable to act as aforesaid and also to increase or diminish the number of trustees and that when and so often as any such new trustee or trustees shall be appointed as aforesaid all the said trust estates and premises shall be thereupon with all ??? speed conveyed, transferred and assigned according to the nature thereof in such sort and ??? and so that the same shall and may be legally and effectively vested in the newly appointed trustee or trustees jointly with such of the former trustees as shall be willing and capable to act or in case there shall be no continuing former trustee then in such newly appointed trustees or trustee only upon and for the trusts intents and purposes herein before declared and contained concerning the same respectively. And that every such new trustee shall and may in all things and in all respects act and assist in the management, carrying on and execution of the trusts to which he shall be so appointed and with the same power and powers authority and authorities as if such new trustee had been originally appointed by this my will provided also and I do hereby further declare that the said several trustees in and by this my will appointed and hereafter to be appointed by virtue of the said last ??? power and every of a them their and every of their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns shall be charged and chargeable only for so much money as they and …………
1851 Census
38 North Street, Ripon (PRO Ref: HO107/2281)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Francis Earle (head) |
57 |
Doctor of Medicine |
Catterick, Yorkshire |
Frances Earle (wife) |
62 |
- |
Bedale, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Earle (daughter) |
30 |
- |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Fanny Earle (daughter) |
29 |
- |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Mary Earle (daughter) |
26 |
- |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Isabella Nicholson |
26 |
House Servant |
South Otteringham |
Jane Graham |
20 |
House Servant |
Brompton, Yorkshire |
Census Note
Francis Earle noted as a member of the College of Surgeons practising as a physician as well as being M.D. University of St Andrews
Burbage, Wiltshire (PRO Ref: RG9/3659)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Jane Long (head) |
20 |
- |
Burbage, Wiltshire |
Frances Earle (lodger) |
28 |
Curate of Burbage |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Census Note
Francis Earle noted as B.A. & B.M. Trinity College, Dublin
Finkle Street, Ripon (PRO Ref: HO107/2281)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Thomas Earle (head) |
63 |
Fishmonger |
Richmond, Yorkshire |
Mary Earle (wife) |
66 |
- |
Richmond, Yorkshire |
John Robson (gr. son) |
19 |
Solicitors Clerk |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Dunnington (grd) |
6 |
- |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Jane Holmes | 22 | House Servant | Leyburn, Yorkshire |
William Temple | 12 | General Servant | Ripon, Yorkshire |
Census Note
Thomas Earle employing 2 men in his business
Middle Street, Ripon (PRO Ref: HO107/2281)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Elizabeth Earle (visitor) |
27 |
- |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Chapter Note
19 year old George Earle, son of Francis & Frances Earle was at his uncles farm [William Earle] at Uckerby in the 1851 Census training as an agricultural student
Holy Trinity Church, Ripon
Burial – 22nd May 1851
Francis Earle, surgeon
Memorial Inscription
south face
In the vault beneath are deposited the remains of Francis Earle Esq. M.D. who died May 22nd 1851 aged 56
Also Frances Earle relict of the above who died December 24th 1864 aged 76
east face
To the memory of four of the children of Francis and Frances Earle who died in early youth and were buried at Bedale in this County
Fanny died Dec. 6th 1820 aged 3 years
George died April 12th aged 4 months
William died Feb. 8th 1832 aged 6 years
Caroline died Oct. 12th 1836 aged 8 years
north face
[three lines of text badly weathered, but the names Mary, Fanny and Elizabeth can just about be read]
Daughters of Francis & Frances Earle
west face
John Earle B.A. M.R.C.S. born April 30th 1834 died December 6th 1916 the youngest son of Francis & Frances Earle
Also Mary Gertrude Earle niece of the above died Sept. 5th 1943 aged 82 years
Proving of Will
23rd September 1851
The Will of Francis Earle, Doctor of Medicine was proved at York on the twenty third day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty one before the Reverend Robert Poole, Clerk Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Granville Barrow Master of this Commissary and Keeper General of the Exchequer and Prerogative Court of York lawfully constituted by the oathe of Frances Earle, widow of the said Will named to who administration of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Francis Earle deceased was granted she having been first sworn duly to administer
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Ripon District for March 1853 (volume 9a page 63)
Elizabeth Earle
York Herald, Saturday 20th May 1854
On Wednesday 17th Inst. at Sheriff Hutton, by the Revd. T Myers. George Earle, Esq. second son of the late Francis Earle, Esq. M.D. of Ripon, to Mary eldest daughter of Wm Linton, Esq. Sheriff Hutton
Slaters Commercial Directory of Yorkshire 1855
Ripon - Nobility, Gentry & Clergy
Mrs Frances Earle, North Street
Ripon - Miscellaneous
Thomas Earle, Fishmonger, Old Market Place
Memorial of an Indenture (transcript)
Frances Earle &c to William Earle &c - NYCRO – ref: JJ/91/148
A MEMORIAL of an Indenture bearing date the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty five and made between Frances Earle of the City of Ripon, widow and Richard Linn and Samuel Wise both of the same City, Gentlemen of the first part. William Earle of Uckerby Grange in the parish of Catterick in the North Riding of the County of York, Gentleman of the second part and John Earle of Ellerton near Catterick aforesaid Gentleman of the third part. And is of and concerning all that close or parcel of ground called or known by the name of North Pease Land containing by ad measurement seven acres, three roods and thirty perches be the same more or less. And all that other close or parcel of ground called or known by the name of South Pease Land containing by ad-measurement five acres and five perches be the same more or less. Which said two closes or parcels of ground are situate, lying and being in the township of Scorton in the said North Riding of the County of York and adjoin upon each other and are bounded on or towards the north by a road on or towards the south by lands now or late belonging to John Jennings on or towards the east by another road and on or towards the west by lands now or late belonging to Robert Bower Esquire. And were lately in the possession of one Richard Chapman but are now occupied by the said William Earle or by whatsoever other names or name quantities, qualities or other descriptions the said closes or parcels of ground or either of them or any part thereof are now or were heretofore called, known, distinguished or described or howsoever altered or varied in any modern from any ancient or former particular or description thereof. Together with the appurtenances which said now memorialising Indenture as to the due execution thereof by the said Frances Earle, Richard Linn and Samuel Wise and William Earle respectively is witnessed by Thomas Liley and William Binns clerks to the said Samuel Wise.
Signed and sealed in the presence of:
Thos. Liley
Wm Earle
Willm. Binns – sworn
St Helen & The Holy Cross Church, Sheriff Hutton
Baptism – 26th March 1855
Fanny Jane daughter of George & Mary Earle
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Births in the Malton District for March 1857 (volume 9d page 309)
William Francis Earle
Memorial of an Indenture (transcript)
Francis Earle &c to Thomas Inman Earle &c – NYCRO Ref: JP/17/28
A MEMORIAL of an Indenture bearing date the twenty-third day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight and made between the Reverend Francis Earle of Swainby in the County of York, Clerk; George Earle of High Roans in the parish of Sheriff Hutton in the said County, Farmer and John Earle of Halifax in the said County, Surgeon and Apothecary of the first part. Thomas Inman Earle of Ellerton upon Swale in the said County, Gentleman and William Swann of Aiskew in the parish of Bedale in the said County, Gentleman of the second part. John Earle of Ellerton upon Swale aforesaid Gentleman of the third part and William Pick of Street House in the parish of Kirby Wiske in the said County, Gentleman of the fourth part. Of and concerning all that close or parcel of ground called or known by the name of North Pease Land containing by ad-measurement seven acres, three roods and thirty perches be the same more or less. And all that other close or parcel of ground called or known by the name of South Pease Land containing by ad-measurement five acres and five perches be the same more or less which said two closes or parcels of ground are situate lying and being in the township of Scorton in the said County of York and adjoin upon each other and are bounded on or towards the north by a road, on or towards the south by lands now or late belonging John Jennings, on or towards the east by another road and on or towards the west by lands now or late belonging to Robert Bower Esquire and were lately in the possession of one Richard Chapman afterwards in the occupation of William Earle and are now in the occupation of the said John Earle of Ellerton or by whatsoever other names or name, quantities, qualities or other descriptions the said closes or parcels of ground or either of them or any part thereof now are or heretofore have been called, known, distinguished or described or howsoever altered or varied in any modern from any ancient or former particular or description thereof together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging which said Indenture as to the execution thereof by the said Francis Earle, Thomas Inman Earle, William Swann and John Earle of Ellerton is witnessed by William Dodsworth Walker of Northallerton in the said County of York, Solicitor and John Metcalf of the same place, Printer and Stationer as to the execution thereof by the said George Earle is witnessed by John Linton of Sheriff Hutton aforesaid, Farmer and as to the execution thereof by the said John Earle of Halifax is witnessed by Richard Baxendale, Dispenser at the Halifax Infirmary
Signed and sealed in the presence of:
W D Walker (sworn)
Francis Earle
J Metcalf
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Births in the Malton District for December 1860 (volume 9d page 312)
Mary Gertrude Earle
1861 Census
North Street, Ripon (PRO Ref: RG9/3196)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Frances Earle (head/wid'w) |
72 |
Fundholder |
Bedale, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Earle (dau/unm) |
41 |
- |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Fanny Earle (dau/umn) |
39 |
- |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Mary Earle (dau/umn) |
36 |
- |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Hannah Pinkney |
21 |
Cook |
Gilling, Yorkshire |
Ann Wise |
21 |
Housemaid |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Sheriff Hutton (PRO Ref: RG9/3628)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
George Earle (head) |
29 |
Farmer |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Mary Earle (wife) |
28 |
Farmers Wife |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Fanny Jane Earle (dau) |
6 |
Scholar |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
William Francis Earle (son) |
4 |
Scholar |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Mary G Earle (daughter) |
5 mths |
- |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Annie Coupland |
19 |
Governess |
Topcliffe, Yorkshire |
Joseph Acomb |
29 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Ellerton, Yorkshire |
Whorlton Parsonage, Northallerton (PRO Ref: RG9/3659)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Francis Earle (head) |
38 |
Curate of Whorlton |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Todd |
21 |
House Maid |
Whorlton, Yorkshire |
Jane Todd |
19 |
House Maid |
Whorlton, Yorkshire |
John Foxton |
16 |
House Servant |
Whorlton, Yorkshire |
Finkle Street, Ripon (PRO Ref: RG9/3196)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Thomas Earle (head) |
70 |
Retired Fishmonger |
Richmond, Yorkshire |
Mary Earle (wife) |
76 |
- |
Richmond, Yorkshire |
Mary Dunnington (gr. dau) |
7 |
Scholar |
Leeds, Yorkshire |
Ellen Dunnington (gr. dau) |
7 |
Scholar |
Leeds, Yorkshire |
Census Note
Francis Earle noted as B.A. & B.M. Trinity College, Dublin
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Births in the Malton District for June 1862 (volume 9d page 343)
George Linton Earle
Births in the Malton District for September 1863 (volume 9d page 337)
Caroline Annie Earle
Deaths in the Malton District for June 1864 (volume 9d page 145)
Caroline Annie Earle
Deaths in the Ripon District for December 1864 (volume 9a page 54)
Frances Earle
Births in the Malton District for September 1864 (volume 9d page 339)
Alice Maud Earle
Births in the Malton District for December 1865 (volume 9d page 334)
Annie Louisa Earle
Archbishop Thomson's Visitation Returns for the Diocese of York 1865
Whorlton-in-Cleveland - Post Town Northallerton [590]
Francis Earle, of Whorlton Parsonage, Northallerton - Inducted January 1855 perform two services every Sunday at both of which a Sermon is preached. The Hours of Service are 10:30am and 2:30 or 3pm according to the season of the year. Services also on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Christmas Day. Also a Cottage Evening service, at Potto on the Thursday, and in the school room on Fridays and at least once a week in the day-school and on Sunday afternoon in the Sunday School. General Average, 19½; average at festivals, 20¼. I keep a list of my Communicants - the Morning Congregation is not more than, perhaps, between 30 and 40. Afternoon, above 100. The deficiency to be attributed to the great prevalence of dissent, arising in great measure, from a long period of non-residence of a Clergyman in the parish. There is a Church Missionary Society and National Society. Money has also been collected (though not in church) for the Irish Church Missions and Jews' Society. There is an excellent mixed school. The Sunday School, averages only about 30. The Day School averages between 50 and 60, but I hope it will increase under a Master recently appointed. The Day School is supported by School-pence, Government grants and private subscription. The Marquis of Ailesbury (Patron) contributes £30 a year. I am sorry to say not, the four chapels in my parish are proving a great means of drawing them from me. Adult Night Schools, Reading Room and Lending Library have been tried with but indifferent success, but I am hoping to report better progress with the help of my present Schoolmaster. The great prevalence of dissent, which, however, will not be wondered at, when I inform your Grace that so far as I know no clergyman has resided actually in the parish for many generations, if indeed since the Reformation. The erection of a good Parsonage is now a sure guarantee of a resident clergyman. The Church is very old, but is kept clean and tidy and duly provided with requisites for decent performance of the Divine Service. The Churchwardens are well disposed men and discharge their duties with conscientiousness. A wall is being built around one side of the Church Yard, authorised at a duly convened Parish Meeting
F. Earle
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Ripon District for September 1868 (volume 9a page 57)
Mary Earl (aged 85)
Deaths in the Ripon District for March 1870 (volume 9a page 86)
Thomas Earle (aged 80)
1871 Census
Whorlton Parsonage, Northallerton (PRO Ref: RG10/4861)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Francis Earle (head) |
48 |
Vicar of Whorlton |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Todd |
31 |
Cook & Housekeeper |
Whorlton, Yorkshire |
Jane Nelson |
15 |
House Maid |
Whorlton, Yorkshire |
Lower Cote, Fixby & Great Halifax (PRO Ref: RG10/4382)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
George Earle (head) |
39 |
Land Agent |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Mary Earle (wife) |
38 |
- |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Fanny Jane Earle (dau) |
16 |
Scholar |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
William Francis Earle (son) |
14 |
Scholar |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Mary G Earle (daughter) |
10 |
Scholar |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
George Linton Earle (son) | 9 | Scholar | Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Alice Maud Earle (dau) | 7 | Scholar | Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Annie Louisa Earle (dau) |
5 |
Scholar |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Sarah Usbridge (servant) |
21 |
Domestic Servant |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
7 Union Terrace, Salford, Manchester (PRO Ref: RG10/1045)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Earle (head/single) |
36 |
MRCS MSA BA London |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Mary Earle (sister/single) |
46 |
Living on Money Interest |
Whorlton, Yorkshire |
Julia Johnson |
24 |
Domestic Servant |
Salford, Lancashire |
Emily Johnson |
22 |
Domestic Servant |
Salford, Lancashire |
Chapter Note
Francis Earle left the parish of Whorlton in 1874 for West Tanfield (diocese of Ripon) which was in the gift of the Marquis of Ailesbury. This is the same village where one hundred and forty years earlier his great x2 grandfather, also called Francis Earle, re-built the old bridge spanning the river Ure only for a sudden flood to wash away two summers of his work (see Boroughbridge Chapter for details)
1881 Census
West Tanfield, Ripon (PRO Ref: RG11/4320)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Francis Earle (head) |
56 |
Rector of Tanfield |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Ellen Jackson |
36 |
Domestic Servant |
Grewelthorpe, Yorkshire |
Amelia Jackson |
22 |
Domestic Servant |
Grewelthorpe, Yorkshire |
Whitwood Lane, Whitwood (PRO Ref: RG11/4591)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
George Earle (head) |
49 |
Farm Bailiff |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Mary Earle (wife) |
48 |
- |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Alice Ellin |
18 |
Domestic Servant |
Ferrybridge, Yorkshire |
14 Union Terrace, Salford, Manchester (PRO Ref: RG11/3955)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Earle (head/single) |
46 |
MRCS MSA BA London |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Fanny Earle (sister/single) |
59 |
General Practitioner |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Rowlands |
29 |
Cook/Domestic Servant |
Monmouthshire |
Emma Deakin |
19 |
Housemaid |
Manchester, Lancashire |
Historical Information for West Tanfield for the year 1890
Francis Earle, M.B. rector and rural dean
1891 Census
The Rectory, West Tanfield, Ripon (PRO Ref: RG12/3513)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Francis Earle (head) |
68 |
Rector of Tanfield |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Ellen Jackson |
44 |
Housekeeper |
Grewelthorpe, Yorkshire |
Emily Jackson |
32 |
Domestic Servant |
Grewelthorpe, Yorkshire |
Nearnow Stables, Whitwood (PRO Ref: RG12/3762)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
George Earle (head/wid'r) |
59 |
Farm Manager |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Mary G Earle (daughter) |
30 |
- |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Alice M Earle (daughter) |
26 |
- |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Firth |
21 |
Domestic Servant |
Royston, Herts |
1-5 Thomas Street, Salford, Manchester (PRO Ref: RG12/3214)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Earle (head/single) |
59 |
Gen. Medical Practitioner |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Fanny Earle (visitor/single) |
69 |
Living on her own means |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Emma Parkinson |
28 |
Cook/Domestic Servant |
Salford, Lancashire |
Jane Hughes |
19 |
Housemaid |
Cardigan, Wales |
The Ripon Millenary Record
The Reverend Francis Earle, R.D., The Rectory, West Tanfield named as a contributor to the History of the City printed in 1892
Last Will & Testament (transcript)
Mary Earle, Spinster - dated 9th August 1892
This is the last will and testament of me Mary Earle of North Street in the City of Ripon, spinster made this ninth day of August one thousand eight hundred and ninety two. I appoint my brother, the Reverend Francis Earle and John Earle and my friend Francis Dickson Wise of the City of Ripon Esquire Executors and Trustees of this my will. I give, devise and bequeath all my hereidtaments and real estate and all my monies and securities for money and all my furniture and chattels and all other my personal estate and property and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto and to the use of my two sisters, Elizabeth Earle and Fanny Earle and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in equal shares as tenants in common subject nevertheless as to my personal estate to the payment of my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and also subject to the payment of legacies of two-hundred pounds each to my brothers Francis Earle, George Earle and John Earle as a remembrance of my affectionate love for them. I revoke all former Wills by me made in witness whereof I have at the foot or end of this my Will subscribed my name the day and year first herein written.
Signed and acknowledged by the said Mary Earle the Testator as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other all being present at the same time have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses: -
Hugh Walter Boddy, Cheetham Hill, Manchester - M.D.
Anna Maria Boddy, Cheetham Hill, Manchester - wife to the above witness
Last Will & Testament (transcript)
Francis Earle, Clerk in Holy Orders - dated 9th August 1895
This is the last Will and Testament of me Francis Earle of Tanfield Rectory in the County of York, Clerk in Holy Orders made this twenty ninth day of August one thousand eight hundred and ninety five. I appoint my brothers George Earle of Whitwood near Normanton in the said County and John Earle of Cheetham Hill in the City of Manchester to be the Executors of this my Will. I bequeath to my said brother George Earle the silver centre piece presented to me by my former parishoners of Whorlton in Cleveland. Also one of the two silver sauce boats left to me by my dear mother and in accordance with her expressed wish to that effect I bequeath to my brother John Earle the second of the above silver sauce boats and also in accordance with my said mothers expressed wish to that effect also the silver mounted inkstand presented to me by the Clergy of the Rural Deanery of East Catterick on the occasion of my resigning the office of a Rural Dean. Also my service of silver tea pot, sugar basin and cream jug. I bequeath to my sister Elizabeth Earle dear father's diamond ring also any one of my pictures (not otherwise disposed of) which she may select with the request that she will hang it up in her bedroom and regard it as a keepsake from her deceased brother. I bequeath to my sister Fanny Earle any one of my pictures (not otherwise disposed of) with a similar request to that expressed in the bequest to my sister Elizabeth. I bequeath to my sister Mary Earle any one of my pictures (not otherwise disposed of) with a similar request to that expressed in the bequest to my sister Elizabeth. I bequeath to my housekeeper Ellen Jackson if she shall be in my service at the time of my decease the legacy or sum of fifty pounds (free from legacy duty) in addition to the wages which she may be then due to her. Also the whole of the furniture in her bedroom and the gilt timepiece in the housekeeper room. I bequeath to Emily Jackson, a sister of the said Ellen Jackson if she shall still be in my service at the time of my decease the legacy or sum of fifty pounds (free from legacy duty) in addition to the wages which may be then due to her. Also the whole of the furniture in her bedroom and my best china tea and coffee service. I bequeath to the Ripon and Wakefield Diocean Training College my two framed engravings of Dores Pictures 'Christ leaving the Pretorium' and 'The night of the Crucifixion' I give, devise and bequeath the residue of all my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto my surviving brothers and sisters living at my decease in equal shares. I revoke all former Wills and Testament in witness whereof I have set my hand the day and year first before written.
Signed by the above named Francis Earle as his last in the presence of us both being present at the time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses:-
Wm. H. Hutchinson - Solicitior, Ripon
Thos. W. Gillott - Clerk with D. Wise & Son - Solicitor, Ripon
Probate (transcript)
27th October 1898
BE IT KNOWN that at the date hereunder written the last Will and Testament of Mary Earle of North Street in the City of Ripon, spinster deceased, who died on the seventh day of June 1898 at Ripon aforesaid and who at the time of her death had a fixed place of abode at Ripon aforesaid, within the District of the West Riding of the County of York was proved and registered in the District Probate Registry of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice at Wakefield and that Administration of all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid Court to The Reverend Francis Earle of the Vicarage, Tanfield in the said County, Clerk and John Earle of Thomas Street, Cheetham Hill, Manchester in the County of Lancaster, Surgeon, the brothers of the said deceased and Francis Dickson Wise of the City of Ripon, Gentleman the Executors named in the Will. Dated the 27th day of October 1898
Gross value of Estate: £3245 13s. 5d.
Net value of Personal Estate: £3205 7s. 5d.
Extracted by S. Wise & Son, Solicitors, Ripon
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Ripon District for June 1898 (volume 9a page 61)
Mary Earle aged 73
1901 Census
The Rectory, West Tanfield, Ripon (PRO Ref: RG13/4601)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Rev'd F Earle (head) |
78 |
Clergyman C of E |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Ellen Jackson |
50 |
Housekeeper / Cook |
Grewelthorpe, Yorkshire |
Emily Jackson |
40 |
Domestic Servant |
Grewelthorpe, Yorkshire |
Whitwood Hall, Whitwood (PRO Ref: RG13/4301)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
George Earle (head) |
69 |
Farmer |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Lucy J Earle (wife) |
60 |
- |
Tong, Yorkshire |
Gertrude Earle (daughter) |
40 |
- |
Strenshall, Yorkshire |
Harriet Caldicott |
33 |
Nurse |
Stratford -on-Avon |
Rose H. Heywood |
23 |
Domestic Servant |
Shropshire |
4 The Crescent, Ripon (PRO Ref: RG13/4040)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Earle (head/single) |
69 |
Retired Surgeon |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Jessie May Pugh |
55 |
Domestic Cook |
London, Middlesex |
May Hannah Johnson |
55 |
Domestic Housemaid |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
27 West Park, Harrogate (PRO Ref: RG13/4054)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William F Earle (married) |
44 |
Wool Merchant |
Sheriff Hutton, Yorks |
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Pontefract District for June 1901 (volume 9c page 80)
George Earle aged 69
Christ Church, Dishforth
Burial – 5th January 1902
Fanny Earle (aged 80)
Codicil to Last Will & Testament (transcript)
Francis Earle, Clerk in Holy Orders - dated 5th May 1905
This is a Codicil to the above Will of me the Reverend Francis Earle. Whereas I have by my said Will given to my housekeeper Ellen Jackson in addition to a legacy of fifty pounds and wages that may be due to her certain articles therein specified and in further recognition of her long and faithful services I do hereby give to the said Ellen Jackson provided she shall be in my service at the time of my decease six green seated chairs with easy chair to match, sofa and arm chair in Study, six mahogany dining room chairs (not to include arm chairs), basket chair in housekeepers room, clock on landing, glass fronted cupboard in front hall (not including the specimens therein), thermometer, small plush table, case of minerals on hall table, fender and coal box in dining room, fender and coal box in library, three woollen hearth rugs, folding screen whatnot in drawing room, four engravings namely 'The Queen', Woman's Mission', 'The Man of Sorrows' and 'Mors Janua Vitae', all the knives, forks and spoons not silver and not to include fish knives and forks or dessert knives and forks, large and small cruit stands, carpet in bedroom number 7, all blankets and household linen, carriage rug, table and mirror in inner hall and my kitchen and cooking utensils she may select. And whereas I have also by my said Will given to Emily Jackson, sister of the said Ellen Jackson in addition to a legacy of fifty pounds and wages that may be due to her certain articles therein specified and in further recognition of her long and faithful services I am desirous of giving to her certain other furniture and effects. Now therefore I do hereby give to the said Emily Jackson provided she shall still be in my service at the time of my death my travelling clock, the mahogany chest of drawers and looking glass in bedroom number 7, also all pictures in number 7 bedroom. I confirm my Will in all other respects. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand the fifth day of May one thousand nine hundred and five.
Signed and acknowledged by the said Francis Earle as a Codicil to his Will in the presence of us both being present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses: -
Thomas Chandler
William Chandler
St Nicholas' Church, West Tanfield
Burial – 2nd August 1905
Francis Earle
Probate (transcript)
13th September 1905
BE IT KNOWN that The Reverend Francis Earle of Tanfield Rectory in the North Riding of the County of York, Clerk who at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode at Tanfield Rectory aforesaid within the District of the North and East Ridings of the County of York, including the City of York and Ainsty thereof, died on the second day of August 1905 at Tanfield Rectory aforesaid.
AND BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that at the date hereunder written the last will and Testament with a Codicil thereto of the said deceased was proved and registered in the District Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice at York and that administration of all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid Court to John Earle of the City of Ripon Esquire, formerly of Cheetham Hill in the City of Manchester, the brother of the said deceased, the surviving Executor named in the said Will. Dated the 13th day of September 1905
Gross value of Estate: £1560 0s. 11d. (re-sworn £1660 0s. 11d.)
Net value of Personal Estate: £1467 4s. 9d.
Extracted by S. Wise & Son, Solicitors, Ripon
Christ Church, Ripon
Burial – 22nd February 1907
Elizabeth Earle aged 87
1911 Census
4 The Crescent, Ripon (nr 50)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Earle (head/single) |
76 |
Retired Surgeon |
Ripon, Yorkshire |
Mary Gertrude Earl (niece) |
50 |
- |
Strensall, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Fleman |
34 |
Cook (Domestic) |
Wath, Yorkshire |
Rose Monica Kew |
20 |
Housemaid (Domestic) |
Sutton, Yorkshire |
Christ Church, Ripon
Burial – 6th December 1916
John Earle aged 82 (see MI on tomb of Francis Earle 1851)
Burial – 5th September 1943
Mary Gertrude Earle aged 82 (see MI on tomb of Francis Earle 1851)
Chapter Note
East Riding of Yorkshire Archives, Ref: DDX402
Canon Albert Earle in his Antiquarian Notes & Papers dated 1899 wrote of the family of Dr Francis Earle as follows: -
"The three sons of my great uncle, Dr Francis Earle MD of Ripon were educated for doctors, and took doctors degrees - one only subsequently practised (with exception of Rev. Francis Earle who practised a short time in Bradford before taking Holy Orders). John, who practised at Cheetham Hill, Manchester, before retiring to live in the Crescent at Ripon, being BA MD of Kings College London. George, of Whitwood Hall nr Normanton, a land agent and horse-breeder, J.P. being MD of Birmingham. Francis Rev'd Rector of West Tanfield - formerly also Rural Dean of Bedale and Domestic Chaplain to the Marquis of Ailesbury being BA MB of Trinity College, Dublin, where he was in residence. He was also educated in Paris. Whether George of John have other medical degrees I do not know."
A letter from Mary Gertrude Earle of Ripon to Canon Albert Earle of Wansford was found in the archive and is copied as follows: -
Trinity Close
2 Sept 1930
Dear Mr Earle
I have found my uncle Frank's sermons (was afraid they had been destroyed) and am sending you these as I promised. I returned home last Thursday after my very enjoyable visit at Scorton, the cousins are always so kind and make one have a pleasant time. I was very pleased to meet you and Mrs Earle as I have heard my uncle speak of you very often. I hope when you are near Ripon you will come and see me. With kind regards to Mrs Earle and yourself
Yours sincerely
M. Gertrude Earle
PS - I trust you have good news of your brother, that he is regaining his strength