Baptism - 11th February 1565
Margaret, daughter of ? Welfoot
Last Will & Testament
26th January 1567
In the name of God Amen the year of our Lord God 1567 26th January I, JOHN WELFET of Redworth within the parish of Heighington being of perfect remembrance and fearing the hour of death doithe ordain and make my last will and testament as followeth; First I do give freely and commit my soul unto Almighty God and to his only sonne Jesus Christ my savour and redeemer by the merit of whose passion I trust to be saved and my body to be buried within the parish church yard of Heighington. I will that MARGARETT my wife NICHOLAS, EDWARD, PERCIVAL, and RALPH my sonnes and ISABELL my daughter have the occupancy of my farmhold dwelling the years of my lease yet to come. Item I d give to EDWARD my sonne one iron bound wagon. Item I do give to NICHOLAS my sonne one colt stage. Item I do give to PERCIVAL my sonne one black whye. Item I do give to RALPH my sonne one felye. Item I do give to ISABELL my daughter one whye strike. Item I will that my brother RICHARD WELFET have every year during my lease one half aker of wheat and one half aker of …. and he to fynde the … his own charge desyireing him to help my wife and children in their husbandry when they shall have need. Item I will that Sir ROWLAND CLERKE my brother-in-law have the bringing up of my sonne PERCIVAL and his child porton desyreing him to be supervisor of this my will to se to all thingeherein contained be personally and done desyreing him to be good unto my wife and children as my trust as he wille. The residewe of all my goods moveable and unmoveable my debt and legal personal and funeral expense deducted. I do will to MARGARETT my wife EDWARD PERCIVAL and RALPH my sonnes ISABELL my daughter whome I do make all joyntlie togyther my sole executors And then I do commit my soule unto Almightie God both now and always The day and year above written … in witness thereat Willm Richmonde Willm Tayler Willm Robinson with other … me Thomas Nicholson Errtie predict
Roman Catholicism Timeline
25th February 1570
Pope Pius V issued the papal bull 'Regnans in Excelsis' to excommunicate Elizabeth I and her followers in the Church of England
Beginning of penal legislation against Catholics in England
Last Will & Testament
14th February 1571
I, Roland Clarke, parsone of Dinsdaile being of perfect remembrance, thanks be unto God, yett fearinge the houer of deathe and trusting to be saved by the merits of Christe, I maike and ordayne my will ande testament as folowithe. Firste, I freelye committ and gyve my sowle unto Almightie God ande to his onlye sonne Jesus Christe my Saviour and Redeamer and my bodie to be buried wher yt shall please Almightie God to call me unto his mercye. I gyve unto the poore man's box of Dinsdaill, 2s. I gyve unto my syster, Jannett Robinson of Byers-greyne, one crowne of golde for a token. I gyve unto my syster, Jane Prierman of Heighington, one crowne of goulde for a token. I gyve unto my syster, Margerye Welfoott of Redworthe, one crowne of golde for a token. I gyve unto Roger Clarke, my brother sonne, 20s. I gyve unto Edward Robinson, my suster sonne, 10s. I gyve unto Edward Welfoot, 10s. I gyve to Nycholas Welfoott, 10s. I gyve unto Rauffe Welfoott, 10s. I gyve unto Percyvell Welfoot, 10s., and all my rament belonging unto me, so that he learne and applye his books, or ells to have nothing, but to retourne unto myne executors. I gyve unto Richerd Johnson of Mydleton one crowne of goulde, and to his wyffe, a crowne of goulde in remembrance. I gyve unto Jeane Prierman, my suster doughter, '20s. I gyve to Essabell Prierman, 20s. I gyve to Sisseley Prierman, 20s. I gyve unto Margery Robinson, 20s. I gyve unto Essabell Welfoott, 20s. The resydewe of all my goodes, moveable ande umnoveable, my debts, legacies and funeralls paid and discharged, I gyve and bequithe unto Thomas Robinson, my suster sonne of Byers-greyne, and Jeanne Prierman, my suster, of Heighington, whome I maike bothe joyntlie togyther executors, ande thus to committ my sowlle to Almightie God, both nowe and ever more., Amen. The daye and yere above written. I gyve to my suster doughter, Sisselly Prierman, two coverletts, thre puther dishes, twoo harden sheytts, two blancketts, with an amerye, and I requeste my speciall frinde, Mr. Robert Place, to be supervisor of this my last will and testament. [Pr. Oct. 20. 1571.]
Roland Clark was rector of Dinsdale from 1561 to 1571
About 1574
Alexander Welfoote (date from Quarter Sessions Records below)
Roman Catholicism Timeline
Act of Uniformity in matters of religion enforced
16th January 1581
English Parliament outlaws Roman Catholicism
About 1599
Greg. Welfoote, son of Alexander & Marg't Welfoote (date from Quarter Sessions Records below)
Peacocks List of Roman Catholics in the County of York 1604
Crathorn Parish
Alexander Welfote and Margaret his wife very poore and perverse recusants 8 or 9 yeres
Kirkleaventon Parish
Ffrancis Welfoote of Pickton, non-communicant for a yeare
North Riding Quarter Sessions Records
Thirsk 29th April 1606
Gabriell Coates of Northallerton for keeping an alehouse without license, and also Roger Taylour, Will. Welfoot, Jane Smeaton, John Clarke and Agnes Hewit, all of the same, for the like
Thirsk 5th April 1608 - Recusancy
Alex. Welfoote and Margaret his wief, of Crathorne
Helmsley 12th July 1608 - Recusant
Alexander Welfoot of Crathorne and Alice [sic] his wife
Topcliffe 2nd & 3rd October 1610
Tho. Thomson, Rich. Welfoot, Will. Wilson, Rich. Midleton, all of Northallerton, for entering into Geo. Hall's ground at Sowerby under Cotcliff, and breaking his hedges and dryving his cattle into other men's pastures
Recusants indicted at the General Sessions of Peace at Helmsley Friday 8th July 1614
Crathorne - Alex. Welfoote, labourer and Margaret his wief (both 40), and Greg, their son (15) all recusants 12 months
Thirsk 10th April 1616
John Welfoote of Audbrough, yeom'n (and many others named) fined for entertaining and supplying food &c to Rich. Hudson, aged 49 of Hutton Bushel, a weaver who was described as an enterlude, vagabunde and sturdy beggar. Rich. Hudson pleaded guilty and was sentenced to be whipped in the towne of Thirsk
Helmsley 9th July 1616
Crathorne - Alex. Welfoote, lab'r, Marg't his wife and Greg. his son
Thirsk 30th September 1619
Fr. Welfoote, labourer - Crathorne, Langbargh
Subsidy Assessment (individuals) and Certificate of Assessment
Crathorne - 10th December 1628
Alexandria [sic] Welfoote - Recussant &c - viijd
Roman Catholicism Timeline
Act of Toleration in England established religious toleration
Corporation Act prevents non-Anglicans from holding municipal office
Persecution of non-conformists in England
24th August 1662
Act of uniformity in matters of religion enforced
Earliest Roman Catholic registers
Five-mile Act restricts non-conformist ministers in Britain
First Test Act deprives British Catholics and Non-conformists of Public Office
North Riding Quarter Sessions Records
Thirsk - 28th April 1674
John Welfoote, Peter Welford and Fr. Welford named as recusants living at Crathorne
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 19th September 1675
Mary, daughter of William Welford
Baptism - 30th December 1677
John, son of William Welford
Roman Catholicism Timeline
Second Test Act (against non-conformists) passed by Westminster Parliament
4th April 1687
James II issues the Declaration of Indulgence, suspending laws against Catholics and non-conformists
Act of Parliament imposes a fine on all who fail to inform the parish minister of the birth of a child
Start of "Dissenters" lists in parish registers - children born but not christened in the parish church - some were named "Papist" and others "Protestants"
Baptism - 24th April 1698
Gregory James Wellford, son of John Wellford
Marriage - 15th May 1698
Mary Welford & John Williamson
Roman Catholicism Timeline
Act of Settlement bars Catholics from the British throne
Penal Code enacted - Catholics barred from voting, education and the military
Marriage - 3rd June 1706
Mary Welford & Thomas Robinson
Roman Catholicism Timeline
Landholders forced to take the Oath of Allegiance and renounce Roman Catholicism
Baptism - 18th August 1714
William, son of Ralph & Elizabeth Welford
Burial - 20th August 1714
William, son of Ralph & Elizabeth Welford
Names of Roman Catholics refusing to take the Oath to His Majesty the late King George including the annual value of their estates
Francis Welford of High Worksale, gent. £6 16s 0d
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 23rd May 1716
Jane, daughter of John & Ann Welford
Baptism - 29th November 1717
Jane, daughter of Ralph & Elizabeth Welford
Burial - 9th December 1717
Jane, daughter of Ralph & Elizabeth Welford
Burial - 1st April 1718
Catherine Welford
Baptism - 1st September 1719
Thomas, son of John & Ann Welford
Baptism - 3rd November 1719
Ann, daughter of William Welford, labourer
Baptism - 19th November 1723
Mary, daughter of Ralph & Elizabeth Welford
Baptism - 9th November 1726
Ralph, son of Ralph & Elizabeth Welford [see Brotton section]
Burial - 23rd July 1728
Ann Welford
Burial - 7th September 1729
Francis Welford, applemonger
Baptism - 12th December 1730
Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph & Elizabeth Welford
Burial - 25th November 1731
Ralph Welford, farmer
Burial - 6th April 1732
Elizabeth Welford, spinster
Recusants named in the Archdeacon of Cleveland Visitation
Crathorne - 1733
William Welford
John Welford
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Burial - 3rd May 1735
Ann Welford
Baptism - 17th July 1741
John, son of John Welford
Baptism - 18th March 1742
William, son of John Welford
Baptism - 26th May 1745
Anne, daughter of John Welford
Burial - 24th March 1746
Mary Welford
Baptism - 11th November 1748
Robert, son of John Welford
Baptism - 17th February 1750
Elizabeth, daughter of John Welford
Burial - 14th March 1750
John Welford, tailor
Marriage - 24th September 1753
Elizabeth Welford & William Palmer - witnessed by Thomas Hammond & William Swardin
Baptism - 9th December 1753
Elizabeth, daughter of John Welford
Burial - 10th February 1755
William Welford
Marriage - 26th May 1767
John Welford & Ann Rose - witnessed by Ralph Robinson & Sarah Hakian
Marriage - 23rd November 1772
Robt. Welford & Jane Hall
Baptism - 13th July 1773
John, son of Robert Welford
Marriage - 25th January 1774
Ann Welford & John Hutton - witnessed by John Welford & George Hutton
Marriage - 16th May 1774
William Welford & Martha Nicholson - witnessed by Thomas Nicholson & Robert Welford
Baptism - 13th September 1774
Robert, son of Robert Welford
Baptism - 15th April 1775
William, son of William Welfoot
Recusants named in the Archbishops Visitation
Crathorne - 1775
John Welford
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Burial - 15th May 1776
John Welford, tailor [same occupation as his father]
Baptism - 31st May 1776
Ann, daughter of William Welfoot, day labourer
Note: This is very likely to be the same 'Ann Welfitt' who had a child named William baptised at Great Ayton on 23rd April 1793. William married Hannah Welford of the Brotton Parish in 1815 and farmed at Howe House, Egton (see Hannah's section)
Baptism - 23rd December 1776
Jane, daughter of Robert Welford
Roman Catholicism Timeline
Founding of Catholic chapel in Crathorne in 1777
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 27th November 1777
John Welford & Thomasin Tiplady (both living in the parish of Crathorne) Godparents to Mary Chapman born on 25th November
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Marriage - 23rd January 1778
Mary Welford & Robt. Mennel [Meynell] - witnessed by George Meynell and John Meynell
Marriage - 23rd November 1778
Elizabeth Welford & Robert Armstrong - witnessed by William Welford & Robert Craggs
Baptism - 23rd September 1778
Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Welford
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 23rd September 1778
Elizabeth Welford, daughter of Robert & Jane Welford (Jane a Protestant) of Crathorne parish was born 22nd September. Godparents: Charles Young of Crathorne & Mary Weaton
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Burial - 21st August 1780
John Welford, weaver
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 22nd September 1783
William Welford, son of Robert & Jane Welford (Jane a Protestant) of Crathorne parish was born 22nd December. Godparents: Thomas Simpson & Laeticia Reveley
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Burial - 16th December 1785
Jane Welford
Marriage - 3rd December 1787
Robt. Welford & Elizabeth Law
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 13th October 1788
Anne Wellford, daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Wellford was born 12th October. Godparents: John Grainge & Anne Young
Baptism - 26th November 1790
Philip Welford, son of Robert & Elizabeth Wellford was born 25th November. Godparents: Stephen Fawcit & Dorothy Br...
Baptism - 11th January 1793
Mary Wellford, daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Wellford was born 9th January. Godparents: John Fox & Margaret Dale
Baptism - 29th June 1795
John Welford & Jane Young Godparents to [Sara?] Grainge born on 20th June
Baptism - 15th February 1796
Ann Welford, daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Welford of Crathorne parish was born 14th February. Godparents: Will Forcette & Jane Kempler
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Marriage - 17th March 1796
John Welford & Isabel Younger
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 15th January 1797
John Welford, son of John & Bella Welford (Bella a Protestant) of Crathorne parish was born 14th January. Godparents: Robert Welford & Jane Welford
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Burial - 13th July 1797
Martha Welford
UK Land Tax Redemption, 1798
Crathorne Parish
Ann Welford & Robert Welford in occupation of lands owned by Thomas Crathorne
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 6th August 1798
William Welford, son of John & Isabella Welford. Godparents: John Tiplady & Mary Calvert "baptised by Mt Potier [illeg] J Marth [?]"
Baptism - 24th April 1799
James Welford, son of Robert & Elizabeth Welford (nee Lowe) was born 24th April. Godparents: John Young & Elizabeth Pape
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Marriage - 18th May 1799
Robert Welford & Elizabeth Linsley
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 4th March 1800
Robert Welford, son of Robert & Alice Welford (nee Manners) was born 22nd February. Godparents: Thomas Welford & Alice Meynell
Baptism - 27th September 1800
[?] Welford & Mary Meynell Godparents to John Chapman born on 21st September
Baptism - 17th July 1801
Robert Welford & Alice Meynell Godparents to Ann Meynell born on 14th July
Baptism - 22nd November 1801
? Welford, daughter of Johannis & Isabella Welford
Baptism - 6th December 1801
Jane Welford, daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Welford (nee Lowe) was born 3rd December. Godparents: Robert Welford & Elizabeth Welford
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 22nd December 1801
Jane, daughter of Robert & Alice Welford
Burial - 30 March 1802
Ann Welford, a catholic
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 27th February 1803 (born 21st February)
Stephenus, son of Robert & Elizabetha Welford
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Burial - 29th October 1803
Stephen Welford
Baptism - 17th January 1804
Sarah, daughter of Robert & Alice Welford
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 7th October 1804
Thomas Welford & Elizabeth Calvert Godparents to Mary Fawcett born on 17th September
Baptism - 2nd February 1806
Thomas Welford & Mary Hall Godparents to Jane Fawcett born on 22nd January
Baptism - 30th March 1806
Thomas Welford & Alice Meynell Godparents to Elizabeth Taylor born on 24th March
Baptism - 3rd May 1807
John Welford, son of Robert & Alice Welford was born at Crathorne 3rd May. Godparents: Robert Welford & Mary Dixon
St Cuthbert's Church, Marton-in-Cleveland
Marriage - 19th April 1808
William Welford & Elizabeth Hutchinson
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Marriage - 11th September 1808
Thomas Welford & Anne Whatten
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 4th June 1809
Hannah Welford, daughter of Robert & Alice Welford was born at Crathorne 22nd May. Godparents: Robert Welford Snr & Ann Welford
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 26th August 1811
Mary, daughter of Robert & Alice Welford
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 7th January 1813
Philip Welford & Mary Fawcett Godparents to Edward Fawcett born on 21st December 1812
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Marriage - 15th May 1813
Elizabeth Welford & George Martin
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 9th December 1813
John Welford, son of Robert & "N his lawful wife" was born at Crathorne 9th December. Godparents: Philip Welford & Mary Dixon
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 17th December 1813
John, son of Robert & Alice Welford
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 13th July 1816
George Martin, son of George & Elizabeth Martin (nee Welford) was born 13th July. Godparents: Joseph Meynell & Elizabeth Ord (George noted as a Protestant)
Baptism - 10th November 1817
Jane Welford, daughter of Thomas & Ann Welford (nee Walton) was born 10th November. Godparents:
James Welford & Elizabeth Martin
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Marriage - 13th January 1817
Jane Welford & William Chapman
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 27th February 1817
Hannah Welford & John Meynell Godparents to Elizabeth Fawcett born on 23rd February
Baptism - 3rd April 1818
Mary Martin, daughter of George & Elizabeth Martin (nee Welford) was born 2nd April. Godparents: James Welford & Mary Rowdle
Baptism - 14th February 1819
Philip Welford & Mary Howdle Godparents to Elizabeth Young born on 12th February
Baptism - 30th August 1820
Ann Martin, daughter of George & Elizabeth Martin (nee Welford) was born 28th April. Godparents: Philip Welford & Helena Pattison
Baptism - 22nd March 1821
James Welford & Ann Welford Godparents to Ann Young born on 20th March
Baptism - 7th August 1822
Ann Simpson, daughter of Richard & Ann Simpson (nee Welford) was born 27th July. Godparents: James Welford & Hannah Welford
Baines Directory, 1823
Professions & Trades
Robert Welford - Shoemaker
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 19th January 1823
William Welford & Ann Young Godparents to Jane Young born on 15th January
Baptism - 27th April 1823
Philip Welford & (pr procuratricim Anna Rowles) Martha Meynell Godparents to James meynell born on 21st April
Baptism - 3rd February 1824
Hannah Simpson, daughter of Richard & Ann Simpson (nee Welford) was born 25th January. Godparents: Philip Welford & Jane Welford [Richard Simpson noted as a Protestant]
St Cuthbert's Church, Marton-in-Cleveland
Marriage - 3rd June 1826
John Welford & Alice Batty
Marriage - 3rd February 1827
Robert Welford & Mary Ingledew
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 27th February 1828 (born 23rd February)
Elizabetha, daughter of Robert Welford & Maria Ingledew
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 4th March 1828
Elizabeth, daughter of Robert & Mary Welford
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 28th December 1829 (born 24th December)
Jacobus, son of Roberti Welford & Maria Ingledew
Stokesley, Yorkshire
Marriage - 24th May 1831
Jane Wilford & George Lincoln
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 12th January 1832 (born 8th January)
Joannes, son of Roberti Welford & Maria Ingledew
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Marriage - 15th October 1832
Ann Welford & Wilson Cornforth
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 21st August 1824 (born 18th August)
Alicia, daughter of Robert Welford & Maria Ingledew
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Burial - 5th June 1826
James Welford
Marriage - 6th December 1834
Mary Welford & William Wood
Marriage - 6th December 1834
Hannah Welford & George Hutchinson
Burial - 28th March 1837
Philip Welford
St Mary Roman Catholic Church, Crathorne
Baptism - 28th May 1837 (born 6th May)
Sarah, daughter of Robert Welford & Maria Ingledew
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District December 1837 (vol 24 page 290)
Mary Welford (see gravestone 1870 below)
1841 Census
Crathorne, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/1257/7)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Isabella Welford |
75 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Outside of Yorkshire |
Crathorne, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/1257/7)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Mary Welford |
45 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Yorkshire |
Hannah Welford | 45 | Agricultural Labourer | Yorkshire |
Crathorne, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/1257/7)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford |
65 |
Shoe Maker |
Outside of Yorkshire |
Alice Welford |
65 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Sarah Welford |
35 |
Dress Maker |
Yorkshire |
Crathorne, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/1257/7)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford |
40 |
Shoe Maker |
Outside of Yorkshire |
Mary Welford |
35 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Welford |
13 |
- |
Yorkshire |
John Welford |
9 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Alice Welford |
6 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Sarah Welford |
4 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Mary Ann Welford | 4 mths | - | Yorkshire |
Newby, Stokesley (PRO Ref: HO107/1259/9)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Welford |
55 |
Shoe Maker |
Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Welford |
60 |
- |
Yorkshire |
Thomas Welford |
56 |
Weaver |
Yorkshire |
Robert Forster | 30 | Shoemaker | Outside of Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Forster | 6 | - | Outside of Yorkshire |
Kirkleavington, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/1257/17)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Welford |
45 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Yorkshire |
Ann Welford |
45 |
- |
Outside of Yorkshire |
Jane Welford |
15 |
- |
Outside of Yorkshire |
Evenwood, Hamsterley, Durham (PRO Ref: HO107/307/5)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
James Welford |
30 |
Shoe Maker |
Outside of Durham |
Castlegate Buildings, Stockton, Durham (PRO Ref: HO107/317/23)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Jane Welford |
20 |
Dress Maker |
Outside of Durham |
All Saint's Church, Crathorne
Marriage - 20th November 1849
Jane Welford & William Broadbelt
1851 Census
Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/2376)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Isabella Welford (head) |
84 |
Pauper |
Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/2376)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford, snr (head) |
76 |
Master Shoe Maker employing 2 men & farming 8 acres |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellis Welford (wife) |
79 |
- |
Marton, Yorkshire |
Sarah Welford (daughter) |
47 |
Dress Maker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Marton (niece) | 26 | Dress Maker | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/2376)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
51 |
Shoe Maker Journeyman |
Eaglescliffe, Durham |
Mary Welford (wife) |
46 |
- |
Marton, Yorkshire |
John Welford (son) |
19 |
Shoe Maker Journeyman |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Sarah Welford (daughter) |
13 |
- |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Marian Welford (daughter) |
10 |
Scholar |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son) |
6 |
Scholar |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
James Welford (son) | 3 | - | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Newby Village, Stokesley (PRO Ref: HO107/2376)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Welford (head) |
67 |
Shoe Maker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Welford (wife) |
74 |
- |
Stainton, Yorkshire |
James Welford (son/wid) |
39 |
Shoe Maker |
Morton, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Foster (g.dau) | 19 | House Servant | Stockton-on-Tees, Durham |
Back Lane, Stokesley (PRO Ref: HO107/2376)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Thos Welfort (lodger/wid) |
69 |
Brick layers Assistant |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Thomas Welfort (lodger) | 6 | Scholar | Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Swainby Commercial Terrace, Whorlton (PRO Ref: HO107/2376)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Hannah Welford (servant) |
55 |
House Keeper (unm) |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Broad Carr House, Hutton Rudby, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/2376)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
George Lincoln (head) | 43 | Farmer of 250 acres | Easby, Yorkshire |
Jane Lincoln (wife) | 45 | Farmers Wife | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Isabella Lincoln (mother) | 80 | Retired Farmer | Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Alice Welford (niece) | 16 | House Servant | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
William Pickering (nephew) | 17 | Farm Servant | Kirkleavington, Yorkshire |
John Cundill (servant) | 21 | Farm Servant | West Rownton, Yorkshire |
William Barker (servant) | 14 | Farm Servant | Hutton Rudby, Yorkshire |
Blue Slate House, Kirby Sigston, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: HO107/2377)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Welford (head) |
56 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ann Welford (wife) |
58 |
- |
Sadberge, County Durham |
Jane Broadbelt (daughter) |
24 |
Dressmaker |
Yarm, Yorkshire |
Wm Broadbelt (son-law) | 20 | Bricklayer | Boroughbridge, Yorkshire |
Anne Broadbelt (g.dau) | 1 | - | Boroughbridge, Yorkshire |
St Mary's Church, West Acklam
Marriage - 29th May 1851
Joseph Welford & Mary Millen
All Saints Church, Crathorne
Burial - 16th April 1853
Mary Welford
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District December 1853 (vol 9d page 275)
George William Welford
Deaths in the Stokesley District March 1855 (vol 9d page 325)
Isabella Welford
Marriages in the Guisborough District December 1855 (vol 9d page 832)
Alice Welford & Charles Pigg
Deaths in the Stockton District September 1856 (vol 10a page 3-)
Robert Welford
Deaths in the Stokesley District December 1856 (vol 9d page 281)
Ellis [sic] Welford
Memorial Inscription
All Saints Churchyard, Crathorne
Robert & Alice Welford
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Marriages in the Stokesley District 1857
John Welford & Ellen Robinson
Marriages in the Stokesley District December 1860 (vol 9d page 918)
Sarah Welford & Joseph Burton
Deaths in the Stokesley District March 1861 (vol 9d page 318)
Elizabeth Welford (see gravestone 1870 below)
1861 Census
Armstrongs Yard, Stokesley, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG9/3657)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Thomas Welford (head/wr) |
79 |
Linen Weaver |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Jane Welford (dau/unm) |
43 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Newby, Yorkshire |
Thomas Welford (g.son) |
15 |
Scholar |
Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (g.son) | 10 | Scholar | Stokesley, Yorkshire |
William Welford (g.son) | 8 | Scholar | Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG9/3659)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head/wdr) |
61 |
Master Cordwainer employing 1 boy |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary A Welford (daughter) |
20 |
- |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son) |
16 |
Cordwainer |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
James Welford (son) | 13 | Agricultural Labourer | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG9/3659)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Welford (head) |
29 |
Master Shoe Maker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (wife) |
23 |
- |
Hornby, Yorkshire |
John R Welford (son) |
2 |
- |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (daughter) | 1 | - | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Newby Village, Stokesley (PRO Ref: RG9/3657)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
James Welford (head) |
49 |
Cordwainer |
Newby, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (wife) |
35 |
- |
Newby, Yorkshire |
William Welford (son) |
9 |
Scholar |
Newby, Yorkshire |
Margaret Welford (dau) | 7 | Scholar | Newby, Yorkshire |
Jane Welford (daughter) | 6 | Scholar | Newby, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Welford (dau) | 1 | - | Newby, Yorkshire |
William Welford (father) | 74 | Cordwainer | Newby, Yorkshire |
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District March 1863 (vol 9d page 347)
Mary Welford
Deaths in the Stokesley District December 1863 (vol 9d page 335)
Thomas Welford
All Saints Church, Crathorne
Burial - 12th July 1866
Hannah Welford, aged 70
Old Chapel, Whitby
Marriage - 2nd March 1867
Robert Welford & Elizabeth Ann Watson
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District September 1870 (vol 9d page 354)
William Welford, aged 86
Memorial Inscription
In memory of Mary Welford daughter of William and Elizabeth Welford of Newby who died 1837 aged 22 years
Also the above Elizabeth Welford who died 9th March 1861 aged 84 years
Also William Welford died August 7th 1870 aged 86 years
1871 Census
Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG10/4861)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head/wdr) |
71 |
Master Shoemaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary A Welford (daughter) |
30 |
House Keeper |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
James Welford (son) |
23 |
Master Shoemaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Margaret Horn (visitor) | 12 | - | Darlington, Durham |
Hilton, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG10/4860)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Welford (head) |
38 |
Shoemaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (wife) |
33 |
- |
Hornby, Yorkshire |
John R Welford (son) |
12 |
Scholar |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (daughter) | 11 | Scholar | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Sarah Welford (daughter) | 9 | Scholar | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son) | 8 | Scholar | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ann Welford (daughter) | 6 | Scholar | Hilton, Yorkshire |
Alice Welford (daughter) | 4 | Scholar | Hilton, Yorkshire |
James Welford (son) | 2 | - | Hilton, Yorkshire |
James Dowson (apprentice) | 15 | Shoemakers Apprentice | Seamer, Yorkshire |
Metcalfe Street, Norton, Durham (PRO Ref: RG10/4901)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Jane Welford (head/wid) |
53 |
Seamstress |
Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son/wdr) |
21 |
Potter |
Newby, Yorkshire |
Thomas Welford (son) | 27 | Potter | Stokesley, Yorkshire |
William Welford (son) | 18 | Potter | Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Ugglebarnaby Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG10/4846)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Joseph Watson (head) |
76 |
Tailor |
Egton, Yorkshire |
Grace Watson (wife) |
73 |
- |
Brotton, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son in law) | 26 | Cordwainer | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (gr dau) | 1 | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Welford (dau) | 32 | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Sarah H Watson (gr dau) | 16 | - | Whitby, Yorkshire |
House & Shop, Newby Village, Stokesley (PRO Ref: RG10/4859)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
James Welford (head) |
59 |
Shoemaker |
Marton, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (wife) |
45 |
- |
Aldborough, Yorkshire |
William Welford (son) |
19 |
Shoemaker |
Newby, Yorkshire |
Margaret Welford (dau) | 17 | - | Newby, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Welford (dau) | 10 | Scholar | Newby, Yorkshire |
Robert H Foster (nephew) | 6 | - | Stockton on Tees, Durham |
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District June 1871 (vol 9d page 423)
George William Welford, aged 0
Deaths in the Stokesley District September 1871 (vol 9d page 329)
James Welford, aged 2
Marriages in the Stockton District December 1871 (vol 10a page 142)
Robert Welford & Mary Jane Beautiman
Marriages in the Stokesley District December 1871 (vol 9d page 1067)
Margaret Welford & Thomas Milburn
Marriages in the Stockton District March 1873 (vol 10a page 130)
Thomas Welford & Elizabeth Beautiman
Deaths in the Whitby District September 1874 (vol 9d page 311)
Elizabeth Welford, aged 36
Marriages in the Stockton District September 1876 (vol 10a page 115)
William Welford & Catherine Cullen
New Church, Whitby
Marriage - 10th October 1876
Robert Welford & Ann Elizabeth Lyth
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District June 1877 (vol 9d page 374)
James Welford, aged 65
Deaths in the Stokesley District March 1878 (vol 9d page 401)
Annie Welford, aged 1
1881 Census
Ugglebarnaby Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG11/4832)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
36 |
Bootmaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Annie E Welford (wife) |
28 |
- |
Whitby, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (daughter) | 11 | Scholar | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Anastasia Welford (dau) | 9 | Scholar | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son) | 3 | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Margaret Welford (dau) | 1 | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Joseph Watson (fr-in-law) | 86 | Retired Tailor | Egton, Yorkshire |
Charles Wrightson (serv) | 19 | Apprentice Bootmaker | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG11/4867)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
James Welford (head) |
33 |
Bootmaker empl'g 1 man |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (father) |
81 |
Bootmaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary Wilson (servant/wid) |
28 |
Housekeeper |
Lythe, Yorkshire |
Henry Nesbert (servant) | 20 | Bootmaker Journeyman | Osmotherley, Yorkshire |
Hilton, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG11/4866)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Welford (head) |
49 |
Shoemaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (wife) |
43 |
- |
Hornby, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son) |
18 |
Shoemaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Alice Welford (daughter) | 14 | Scholar | Hilton, Yorkshire |
James Welford (son) | 9 | Scholar | Hilton, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (daughter) | 6 | Scholar | Hilton, Yorkshire |
George W Welford (son) | 5 | - | Hilton, Yorkshire |
Hannah Welford (daughter) | 3 | - | Hilton, Yorkshire |
Newby, Stokesley (PRO Ref: RG11/4865)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Welford (head) |
29 |
Shoemaker |
Marton, Yorkshire |
Alice Welford (wife) |
26 |
- |
Stanton, Durham |
James Welford (son) |
5 |
- |
Middlesbrough, Yorkshire |
Robert Tate (step son) | 8 | Scholar | Stokesley, Yorkshire |
California, Great Ayton, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG11/4865)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Sarah Welford (servant) |
19 |
Servant |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
158 Conyers Road, Byker, Northumberland (PRO Ref: RG11/5068)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Thomas Welford (head) |
33 |
Potter |
Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Welford (wife) |
25 |
- |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
Henry Augles Welford (son) | 6 | - | Stockton, Durham |
Ada Mary Welford (dau) | 4 | - | Stockton, Durham |
Hannah Welford (dau) | 2 | - | Stockton, Durham |
William Beautyman Welford (son) | 1 mth | - | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
98 Corbridge Street, Byker, Northumberland (PRO Ref: RG11/5068)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
28 |
Kilnman |
Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (wife) |
26 |
- |
Middlesbrough, Yorkshire |
Jane A Welford (daughter) | 8 | Scholar | Stockton, Durham |
Ada Welford (daughter) | 5 | Scholar | Stockton, Durham |
Robert Welford (son) | 3 | - | Stockton, Durham |
John Welford (son) | 1 | - | Stockton, Durham |
160 Conyers Road, Byker, Northumberland (PRO Ref: RG11/5068)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Welford (head) |
27 |
Potter |
Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Catherine Welford (wife) |
25 |
- |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
William Welford (son) | 5 | - | Stockton, Durham |
Jno Henry Welford (son) | 6 mths | - | Stockton, Durham |
Jane Welford (mother) | 64 | Widow | Newby, Yorkshire |
Register of Births, Marriages & Death
Deaths in the Newcastle District December 1882 (vol 10b page 87)
Thomas Welford, aged 37
Deaths in the Stokesley District September 1883 (vol 9d page 374)
Alice Mary Welford, aged 0
Marriages in the Whitby District March 1884 (vol 9d page 700)
James Welford & Mary Wilson (nee Cornforth)
Deaths in the Hartlepool District June 1886 (vol 10a page 55)
Jane Welford, aged 69
Marriages in the Gateshead District June 1887 (vol 10a page 1030)
Elizabeth Welford & John Scott
All Saints Church, Crathorne
Burial - 20th June 1887
Robert Welford, aged 87
Memorial Inscription
In loving memory of Mary Welford wife of Robert Welford who died 1853 aged 48 years and Robert Welford who died 1887 aged 87 years
Deaths in the Leeds District June 1887 (vol 9b pg 327)
Alice Welford, aged 20
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Whitby District March 1888 (vol 9d page 461)
Margaret Welford, aged 8
Deaths in the Stokesley District Sept 1888 (vol 9d page 363)
Robert Welford, aged 0
Bulmers History & Directory of North Yorkshire, 1890
At Crathorne, and also at Hilton, fully a century before any mention of the name of any member of the Crathorne family occurs, the family of Welford, in the humbler walks of life, was evidently settled, and still, to this day, are members of and living at Crathorne and Hilton. All through the middle ages their names are recorded as witnesses to deeds, sometimes spelt Wellfoot, Wellfoort, or Welford. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth they are now and then returned as "recusants," for not having adopted the reformed religion; and they still adhere to the Catholic church
Crathorne - Miscellany of Trades
James Welford - Bootmaker, &c
Hilton - Miscellany of Trades
John Wilfrid [Welford] - Shoemaker
1891 Census
Manor House, Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG12/3993)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
46 |
Bootmaker (employer) |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ann E Welford (wife) |
38 |
- |
Whitby, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (daughter) | 21 | Dress Maker | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son) | 13 | Apprentice Bootmaker | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Mathias L Welford (son) | 9 | Scholar | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
James Welford (son) | 7 | Scholar | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
George W Welford (son) | 5 | Scholar | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
John Welford (son) | 2 | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Hilda Welford (daughter) | 8 mths | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Albert Long (servant) | 18 | Apprentice Bootmaker | Stockton, Durham |
Cottage, Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG12/4867)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
James Welford (head) |
43 |
Shoemaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (wife) |
38 |
- |
Egton Bridge, Yorkshire |
Martha Welford (daughter) |
6 |
Scholar |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Thomas Welford (son) | 5 | Scholar | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Alice Welford (daughter) | 3 | - | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (daughter) | 10 mths | - | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Thomas Selafield (lodger) | 22 | Shoemaker Journeyman | Appleton Wiske, Yorkshire |
Hilton, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG12/4023)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Welford (head) |
59 |
Shoemaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (wife) |
53 |
- |
Hornby, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (daughter) | 16 | - | Hilton, Yorkshire |
George W Welford (son) |
15 |
- |
Hilton, Yorkshire |
Hannah Welford (daughter) | 13 | - | Hilton, Yorkshire |
Newby, Stokesley (PRO Ref: RG12/4022)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Welford (head) |
39 |
Shoemaker |
Newby, Yorkshire |
Alice Welford (wife) |
36 |
- |
Stanton, Durham |
Alice M Welford (dau) |
4 |
- |
Newby, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (mother/wid) | 65 | Living on own account | Aldbrough, Yorkshire |
Robert Johnston (lodger) | 77 | Living on own income | Seamer, Yorkshire |
Witham Hall, Preston-on-Tees, Durham (PRO Ref: RG12/4054)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John R Welford (servant) |
32 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
20 Westbury Street, Thornaby, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG12/4019)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (boarder) |
23 |
Shoemaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Rose Cottage, Claife, Lancashire (PRO Ref: RG12/3481)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Sarah Welford (servant) |
27 |
Housemaid Domestic |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Belmont House, Knaresborough Road, Starbeck, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG12/3521)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Mary Welford (servant) |
29 |
Domestic Servant |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
122 Parker Street, Byker, Northumberland (PRO Ref: RG12/4215)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Scott (head) |
39 |
Potter |
Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
Elizabeth Scott (wife) |
39 |
- |
Stockton, Durham |
Ada Welford (st.dau) | 15 | - | Stockton, Durham |
Hannah Welford (st.dau) | 13 | Scholar | Stockton, Durham |
William Welford (st.son) | 11 | Scholar | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
Elizabeth Welford (st.dau) | 8 | Scholar | Newcastle-upon-Tyne |
67 Westmorland Street, Stranton, Durham (PRO Ref: RG12/4066)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
40 |
Potter |
Middlesbrough, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (wife) |
38 |
- |
Middlesbrough, Yorkshire |
Jane A Welford (daughter) | 18 | Potter - Apprentice | Stockton, Durham |
Ada Welford (daughter) | 15 | Potter - Apprentice | Stockton, Durham |
Robert Welford (son) | 13 | Errand Boy (merchant) | Stockton, Durham |
John Welford (son) | 11 | Scholar | Stockton, Durham |
Selina Welford (daughter) | 4 | - | West Hartlepool, Durham |
James Welford (son) | 1 | - | West Hartlepool, Durham |
55 Westmorland Street, Stranton, Durham (PRO Ref: RG12/4066)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Welford (head) |
35 |
Potter |
Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Catherine Welford (wife) |
34 |
- |
Norton, Durham |
William Welford (son) | 15 | Potters Labourer | Stockton, Durham |
John Henry Welford (son) | 10 | Scholar | Stockton, Durham |
Sarah Welford (daughter) | 8 | Scholar | Newcastle, Northumberland |
Francis Welford (son) | 5 | Scholar | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Ernest Welford (son) | 1 | - | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Marriages in the Whitby District July 1891
Robert Welford & Jane Duck*
* Jane's mother was Hannah Welford of Roxby (1836-1898) who like her husband is descended from the Crathorne Welfords
Marriages in the Leeds District July 1892
Annie Welford, spinster of 12 Park Place, Leeds & Robert Cameron Wallis, bachelor of 46 St Marks Road, Leeds were married on 21st July 1892 at All Souls Church, Leeds after the publication of Banns on 3rd, 10th & 17th July 1892
Kellys Directory of North & East Ridings of Yorkshire - 1893
Jas. Welfood - Boot and Shoe Maker & Postmaster - Letters by foot post from Yarm received at 9am. Box cleared at 5pm in summer and 4:30pm in winter. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Marriages in the Knaresborough District March 1893 (vol 9a pg 141)
Mary Welford & John Annakin
Births in the Whitby District - 9th February 1894
Mary Welford
Deaths in the Stokesley District March 1894 (vol 9d page 409)
Mary Welford, aged 0
Deaths in the Whitby District - 5th March 1894
Mary Welford, aged 0
Births in the Whitby District - 9th February 1894
Mary Welford
Deaths in the Knaresborough District September 1897 (vol 9a pg 80)
Mary Annakin, aged 37 [Died at 16 Albert Terrace, Starbeck, Knaresborough on 27th September 1897]
Births in the Whitby District - January 1900
Robert Welford
Marriages in the Hartlepool District June 1900 (vol 10a pg 265)
John Welford & Mary Ellen Oliver
Marriages in the Stokesley District December 1900 (vol 9d pg 1261)
Ellen Welford & Peter Montague
Deaths in the Whitby District - 21st March 1901
Robert Welford, aged 1
1901 Census
Hilton (house next to the Vicarage), Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG13/4592)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Welford (head) |
69 |
Bootmaker (own account) |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (wife) |
63 |
- |
Hornby, Yorkshire |
George Wm Welford (son) |
25 |
Bootmaker |
Hilton, Yorkshire |
Hannah Welford (daughter) | 23 | - | Hilton, Yorkshire |
Eskdaleside-cum-Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG13/4558)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
56 |
Bootmaker (at home) |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ann E Welford (wife) |
48 |
- |
Whitby, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son) | 23 | Bootmaker | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
James Welford (son) | 17 | Rural Postman | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
George W Welford (son) | 15 | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
John Welford (son) | 12 | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Hilda Welford (daughter) | 10 | - | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Cottage, Crathorne Village, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG13/4593)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
James Welford (head) |
53 |
Shoe & Boot Maker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (wife) |
48 |
- |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Thomas Welford (son) | 15 | - | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Alice Welford (daughter) | 13 | Scholar | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (daughter) | 10 | Scholar | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
John Welford (son) | 9 | Scholar | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
George Cornforth(nephew) | 5 | Scholar | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Thomas Delafield (serv't) | 38 | Shoemaker | Appleton, Yorkshire |
The Haggs, Egton, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG13/4558)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John R Welford (servant) |
42 |
Agricultural Labourer |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
40 Dunning Street, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG13/4576)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Martha Welford (servant) |
16 |
General Domestic |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Sleights, Eskdaleside, Yorkshire (PRO Ref: RG13/4558)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Matthew Welford (servant) |
17 |
Butchers Apprentice |
Ugglebarnby, Yorkshire |
33 Clarendon Road, West Hartlepool (PRO Ref: RG13/4642)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
48 |
Labourer - Blast Furnace |
Middlesbrough, Yorkshire |
Mary Jane Welford (wife) |
46 |
- |
Middlesbrough, Yorkshire |
Robert Welford (son) | 23 | Cart Man | Stockton, Durham |
Lena Welford (daughter) | 14 | Dressmaker - Apprentice | West Hartlepool, Durham |
James Welford (son) | 10 | - | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Frederick Welford (son) | 6 | - | West Hartlepool, Durham |
55 Westmorland Street, Stranton, Durham (PRO Ref: RG12/4066)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Welford (head) |
46 |
Post Office Telegraphist |
Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Catherine Welford (wife) |
45 |
- |
Norton, Durham |
William Welford (son) | 25 | Post Office Telegraphist | Stockton, Durham |
John Henry Welford (son) | 20 | Moulders Apprentice | Stockton, Durham |
Sarah J Welford (daughter) | 17 | Paper Mills | Newcastle, Northumberland |
Francis Welford (son) | 15 | Metal Labourer | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Ernest Welford (son) | 11 | - | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Lawrence Welford (son) | 6 | - | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Thomas Welford (son) | 2 | - | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Marriages in the Stokesley District June 1902 (vol 9d pg 1102)
Hannah Welford & Henry Ogden Tinkler
Deaths in the Stokesley District June 1903 (vol 9d pg 404)
Elizabeth Ann Welford, aged 52
Marriages in the Horncastle District September 1904 (vol 7a pg 1207)
George William Welford & Betsy Ann Alcock
Deaths in the Hartlepool District June 1907 (vol 10a pg 110)
Robert Welford, aged 57
Marriages in the Newcastle District September 1908 (vol 10b pg 297)
William Welford & Mary Allerston Johnson
Marriages in the Whitby District June 1909 (vol 9d pg 931)
Matthias Lyth Welford & Mary Cecilia Breckon
Marriages in the Whitby District September 1909 (vol 9d pg 891)
George William Welfare [Welford] & Ada Readman
Marriages in the Hartlepool District March 1910 (vol 10a pg 227)
Robert Welford & Elizabeth A Tweedy
Marriages in the Whitby District December 1910 (vol 9d pg 1033)
James Welford & Louisa Hook
1911 Census
Hilton, Yarm-on-Tees, Yorkshire (Nr 13 on schedule)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Welford (head) |
79 |
Bootmaker & Cow Keeper |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (wife) |
73 |
- |
Hornby, Yorkshire |
John Robinson Welford (s) |
52 |
Farm Labourer |
Hilton, Yorkshire |
Census Note: 8 children born alive and 4 still living [?]
Ugglebarnaby, Sleights, Yorkshire (Nr 147on schedule)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
66 |
Bootmaker - own account |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ann Elizab'h Welford (wife) |
58 |
- |
Whitby, Yorkshire |
John Welford (son) | 22 | Bootmaker | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Hilda Welford (daughter) | 20 | Apprentice Dressmaker | Ugglebarnaby, Yorkshire |
Census Note: Married 34 years 7 children born alive 6 still living
Crathorne, Yarm, Yorkshire (Nr 14 on schedule)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
James Welford (head) |
63 |
Shoemaker - own account |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary Welford (wife) |
58 |
- |
Hutton Mulgrave, Yorkshire |
Martha Welford (daughter) | 26 | - | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Thomas Welford (son) | 25 | Carpenter | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Ellen Welford (daughter) | 20 | Student - b'd of education | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
John Welford (son) | 19 | Shoemaker | Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Joseph Cornforth (br-i-law) | 55 | Road Worker (widower) | Hutton Mulgrave, Yorkshire |
Census Note: Married 27 years 7 children born alive and 5 still living
4 Brunswick Street, Whitby, Yorkshire (Nr 228 on schedule)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
48 |
Bootmaker |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Jane Welford (wife) |
45 |
- |
Sneaton, Yorkshire |
John Duck Welford (son) |
18 |
Bootmaking |
Whitby, Yorkshire |
Joseph Leo Welford (son) | 15 | Bootmaking | Whitby, Yorkshire |
Mary Alice Welford (dau) | 13 | At School | Whitby, Yorkshire |
George Wm Welford (son) | 8 | - | Whitby, Yorkshire |
Robert Dunstan Welford (s) | 6 | - | Whitby, Yorkshire |
Census Note: 7 children born alive and 5 still living
15 South Terrace, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough (Nr 191 on schedule)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
George Wm Welford (head) |
35 |
Boot Maker / Repairer |
Hilton, Yorkshire |
Betsy Ann Welford (wife) |
34 |
- |
Woodhall, Lincolnshire |
Teresa Mary Welford (dau) | 5 | - | Whitby, Yorkshire |
Census note: married 6 years, 2 children born alive, 2 still living
2 Belmont Crossings, Forrest Lane, Knaresborough, Yorkshire (Nr 117 on schedule)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
John Annakin (head/wdr) |
57 |
Railway Guard |
Boroughbridge, Yorkshire |
Sarah Welford (sis-in-law) |
49 |
Housekeeper |
Crathorne, Yorkshire |
Mary Ellen Annakin (dau) |
17 |
No Employment |
Knaresborough, Yorkshire |
Alice Winifred Annakin (d) | 15 | Art Needle Worker | Starbeck, Yorkshire |
14 Trelawn Avenue, Ash Road, Headingly, Leeds, Yorkshire (Nr 173 on schedule)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Cameron Wallis (head) |
44 |
Telegraph Instrument Maker |
Leeds, Yorkshire |
Annie Wallis (wife) |
45 |
- |
Hilton, Yorkshire |
Charles A Wallis (son) |
15 |
School |
Leeds, Yorkshire |
Alice M Wallis (daughter) | 9 | School | Leeds, Yorkshire |
St Bartholomews Hospital, West Smithfield, City of London
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Alice Welford (single) |
23 |
Hospital Nurse |
Crathorne, Yarm, Yorkshire |
55 Westmorland Street, Stranton, Durham
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Welford (head) |
56 |
Labourer - Blast Furnace |
Stokesley, Yorkshire |
Catherine Welford (wife) |
55 |
- |
Norton, Durham |
William Welford (son) | 35 | Bricklayers Labourer | Stockton, Durham |
John Henry Welford (son) | 29 | Dock Labourer | Stockton, Durham |
Sarah J Welford (daughter) | 17 | Paper Mills | Newcastle, Northumberland |
Francis Welford (son) | 25 | Labourer - Blast Furnace | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Ernest Welford (son) | 21 | House Painter | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Lawrence Welford (son) | 16 | Labourer - Blast Furnace | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Thomas Welford (son) | 12 | School | West Hartlepool, Durham |
Census note: married 35 years, 10 children born alive, 6 still living
Sydenham Road, West Hartlepool
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Thomas Lamplough (head) |
29 |
Horse Slaughterer |
West Hartlepool |
Selena Lamplough (wife) |
24 |
- |
West Hartlepool |
Mary Jane Welford ( | 59 | - | Middlesbrough |
James Welford ( | 21 | Saw Mills | West Hartlepool |
Frederick Welford ( | 17 | Saw Mills | West Hartlepool |
Census note: Married 1 year, no children
Census note: 10 children born alive, 7 still living (after Mary J Welford entry)
Victoria Cottage, Sleights, Yorkshire (Nr 73)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Robert Welford (head) |
33 |
Boot dealer & repairer |
Ugglebarnby, Yorkshire |
Elizabeth Welford (wife) | 36 | - | Burndale, Yorkshire |
Census note: Married under a year
Bridge Street, Great Ayton, Yorkshire (Nr 256)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
James Welford (head) |
27 |
Gardener (domestic) |
Ugglebarnby, Yorkshire |
Census note: Married under a year (see next entry)
Sleights, Yorkshire (Nr 78)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
William Hook (head/wdr) |
58 |
Coachman |
Litchwell, Norfolk |
Louisa Welford (daughter) | 29 | - | Sleights, Yorkshire |
Aislaby Road, Eaglescliffe, Yarm, Durham (Nr 81)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
Matthias Lyth Welford (hd) |
29 |
Butcher - Coop Society |
Ugglebarnby, Yorkshire |
Mary Cecilia Welford (wife) |
30 |
- |
Whitby, Yorkshire |
Matthias Welford (son) | 8 mths | - | Eaglescliffe, Durham |
Anastasia Roe (niece) | 10 | - | Whitby, Yorkshire |
Census note: Married 1 year, 1 child
Egton, Grosmont, Yorkshire (Nr 24)
name |
age |
trade |
birth place |
George Wm Welford (head) |
25 |
Postman |
Ugglebarnby, Yorkshire |
Ada Welford (wife) |
20 |
- |
Grosmont, Yorkshire |
Mary E Welford (daughter) | 4 mths | - | Grosmont, Yorkshire |
Joseph Frankland (boarder) | 36 | Farm Labourer | Egton, Yorkshire |
Census note: Married 2 years, 2 children born alive, 1 still living
Kellys Directory of North & East Ridings of Yorkshire - 1913
James Welford - Boot and Shoe Maker & Assistant Overseer
James Welford - Crathorne, Yarm & Seamer, Yarm
John Welford - Hilton, Yarm
Robert Welford - 4 Brunswick Street, Whitby
R Welford - Ugglebarnby, Sleights
Marriages in the Knaresborough District October 1913 (vol 9a pg 207)
Sarah Welford & John Annakin
World War 1
Pension Records 1914-1920
John Duck Welford
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Marriages in the Middlesbrough District March 1916 (vol 9d pg 1071)
John D Welford & Lily Hillier
Deaths in the Whitby District September 1916 (vol 9d pg 491)
Jane Welford, aged 50
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the York District - March 1917 (vol 9d pg 4)
John Welford, aged 85
World War I
John Welford
Son of James & Mary Welford of Crathorne
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Royal Garrison Artillary
Batallion : Durham [RGA - (TF)]
Regimental Number: 338506
Death Date: 18th September 1917
Type of Casualty: Killed in Action
Theatre of war: Western European Theatre
Buried: Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Sister Alice Welford
Daughter of James & Mary Welford of Crathorne
Reserve, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service
Attended 65th British General Hospital
Died aged 30 on 15th January 1918
Buried at the Basra War Cemetery
Report on the accidental death of Sister Alice Welford
The Matron and 12 of the members of the female nursing staff of 65 General Hospital, were invited by the Officer
Commanding Beit Naana Officers’ Hospital to spend the afternoon of 15th January 1918 at his unit, to meet his convalescent officers and have tea. They were transported by motor launch, but on the
return journey they were involved in a collision at Basra, shortly after sunset, between a Steam Tug and the Motor Launch containing the party of Nurses
Four members of the nursing staff, Sister Florence D`Oyly COMPTON, Sister Alice WELFORD, Sister TINDALL and Florence Mary FAITHFULL, V.A.D. died. Miss Tindall’s body was recovered around the time of
the accident, her cause of death being suffocation by submersion and skull fracture while the other three were reported missing, presumed drowned
The body of Florence Compton was found on 29th January, and buried the same afternoon. The result of the Court of Enquiry was accidental death, due to an error of judgement on the part of the steersman of the launch
Probate (transcript)
John Welford, dated 12th February 1918
Of Hilton in Cleveland, died 11th February 1917 at Clifton, York. Probate London 12th February 1918 to George William Welford, bootmaker and James Welford, farmer. Effects £242 8s 6d
John Welford, dated 5th June 1918
Of Crathorne in Cleveland, Gunner 239th Siege Battery R.G.A., died 18th September 1917 in France Administration (with Will). Probate London 5th June 1918 to James Welford, farmer. Effects £137 0s 6d
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Middlesbrough District September 1926 (vol 9d pg517)
Ellen Welford (nee Robinson) aged 88
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District December 1926 (vol 9d pg 734)
Annie Welford, aged 57
Marriages in the Whitby District 1929
George William Welford & Winfred Price
Deaths in the Stokesley District June 1930 (vol 9d pg 708)
Mary Welford, aged 77
Memorial Inscription
St Mary's Churchyard, Crathorne
In loving memory of James Welford died January 3rd 1931 aged 83 years
also Mary his wife died June 2nd 1930 aged 77 years
also Alice their daughter drowned River Tigris January 15th 1918 aged 30 years interred at Bazra
also John their son killed in action September 18th 1917 aged 26 years interred at Wancourt
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District September 1935 (vol 9d pg 631)
William Welford, aged 83
Memorial Inscription
In loving memory of Alice Welford of Newby died August 28th 1932 aged 79 years
Also William husband of the above died September 14th 1935 aged 83 years
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Stokesley District September 1935 (vol 9d pg 631)
William Welford, aged 83
Deaths in the Stokesley District March 1936 (vol 9d pg 915)
Ralph Welford, aged 73
Deaths in the Stokesley District June 1936 (vol 9d pg 707)
Elizabeth Welford, aged 65
Marriages in the Whitby District December 1940 (vol 9d pg 1271)
Jane Welford & Ernest F Readman
Deaths in the Leeds District March 1947 (vol 2c pg 641)
Annie Wallis (nee Welford) aged 80
Probate (transcript)
Robert Dunstan Welford, dated 19th November 1951
Of 2 Britannia Mansions, Saltburn-by-the-Sea, died 16th August 1951 at 25 Foster Street, Brotton, Yorkshire. Probate London 19th November to Leonard Richardson, general clerk. Effects £1693 8s 9d
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Death on 26th August 1953
George William Welford, aged 77
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Whitby District September 1953 (vol 1b pg 701)
Robert Welford, aged 90
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Middlesbrough District 12th April 1971
Ellen Welford, aged 96
Memorial Inscription
St Mary's Churchyard, Crathorne
Thomas Welford died 25th January 1963 aged 77 years
Memorial Inscription
St Mary's Churchyard, Crathorne
In memory of Ellen daughter of the late James and Mary Welford who died 10th December 1967 aged 77
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Teesside District March 1972 (vol 1b pg 2152)
John Duck Welford, aged 79
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Hull District 13th December 1975 (vol 7 pg 0845)
George William Welford, aged 73
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Pickering District April 1977
Mary Alice Welford, aged 79
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the Whitby District September 1980 (vol 2 pg 2476)
Joseph Leo Welford, aged 85
Register of Births, Marriages & Deaths
Deaths in the North Yorkshire District December 1999 (entry number 86)
Jane Readman (nee Welford), aged 88