Burial - 7th November 1557
William Ireland
Marriage - 26th June 1558
Richard Ireland & Elizabeth
Marriage - 22nd November 1558
Margaret Ireland & Richard Kitching
Baptism - 16th December 1562
George son of Richard Ireland
Baptism - 19th April 1564
Richard son of Richard Ireland
Baptism - 18th June 1565
Thomas son of Richard Ireland
Baptism - 1st September 1566
William son of Richard Ireland
Burial - 22nd January 1567
William son of Richard Ireland
Baptism - 26th July 1570
Jane daughter of Richard Ireland
Burial - 26th July 1570
Jane daughter of Richard Ireland
Baptism - 29th July 1570
Janet daughter of Richard Ireland
Baptism - 13th November 1575
John son of Richard Ireland
Baptism - 5th September 1577
Plantagenet son of Richard Ireland
Marriage - 28th October 1582
Hugh Ireland & Grace Sewell
The Plague 1597-1598
Marriage - 5th May 1606
Plantagenet Ireland & Katherine Graham
St Andrew, Penrith
Baptism - 15th March 1607
Richard son of Plantagenet Ireland
Marriage - 26th August 1612
Katherine Ireland & John Fairer
Marriage - 13th October 1616
William Ireland & Janet Martin
St Mary, Wigton
Baptism - 23rd June 1661
John son of Richard Ireland
St Andrew, Penrith
Marriage - 21st May 1662
James Ireland & Isabel Raltree
St Nicholas, Lazonby
Baptism - 4th October 1666
Ellinor daughter of James Ireland
Note: Baptisms, Marriages and Burial records commence from the year 1662 for the villages in this parish. From the baptism and marriage records in the decades just after this date there were clearly several Ireland individuals and families living in the parish in earlier periods (if only the church registers had commenced sooner). How far back from 1662 remains to be established from other sources, but certainly the Penrith Irelands noted above will be connected and may well turn out to be the originators of the Ireland family in Hesket-in-the-Forest denoted [Hes] and Hutton-in-the-Forest denoted [Hut] below.
Marriage - 28th May 1668
??? Ireland & Richard Harrison [Hes]
Burial - 10th August 1668
Margaret daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
Burial - 26th August 1668
Edmond son of Anthony Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 1st June 1670
Margaret daughter of Hugh Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 26th November 1670
Elizabeth Ireland & Richard Brunderson [Hes]
Baptism - 14th March 1671
Jennet daughter of James Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 21st May 1671
Mabell Ireland & Jo Bell [Hes]
Marriage - June 1671
Elizabeth Ireland & John Bancks
Marriage - 19th June 1671
Barbara Ireland & John Mason [Hut]
Baptism - 12th November 1672
Thomas son of Anthony Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 16th July 1673
Mabell Ireland & John Raynrock [Hes]
Baptism - 13th August 1674
James son of James Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 19th November 1674
Mary Ireland & Richard Dixon [Hut]
Baptism - 21st December 1674
Thomas son of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 2nd March 1676
Anthony Ireland & Margaret Fenton [Hes]
Baptism - 5th May 1676
Isabel daughter of James Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 24th May 1676
Thomas Ireland & Ann Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 8th September 1676
Richard son of Thomas Ireland [Hut] - See Middleton in Teesdale
Marriage - 15th November 1677
Thomas Ireland & Dorothy Vird [Hes]
Baptism - 19th February 1681
Mary daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 19th February 1681
Jenet daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 19th February 1681
Thomas son of Thomas Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 5th June 1681
Dorothy Ireland & Thomas Munkhouse [Hut]
Baptism - 3rd December 1682
Mary daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 3rd December 1682
Anne daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
St Mary & St Paul, Carlisle
Marriage - 1683
Dorothy Ireland & John Rallson
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Burial - 19th January 1683
Anne daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 5th June 1683
John son of Thomas Ireland [Hut] - See Middleton in Teesdale
Marriage - 10th April 1684
Mabell Ireland & William Whitelock
Burial - 13th May 1684
James Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 10th June 1684
Margaret Ireland & William Wade [Hes]
Marriage - 21st June 1684
John Ireland & Anne Lazonby [Hes]
St Andrew, Penrith
Marriage - 28th September 1684
Anthony Ireland & Helen Ward
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Baptism - 21st December 1684
Thomas son of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 9th August 1685
Mary daughter of John Ireland [Hes]
St Andrew, Penrith
Baptism - 1st October 1685
Dorothy daughter of Anthony & Helen Ireland
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Baptism - 10th March 1686
John son of John Ireland [Hes]
St Andrew, Penrith
Baptism - 15th November 1688
Anne daughter of Anthony & Helen Ireland
Baptism - 22nd October 1689
Anthony son of Anthony & Helen Ireland
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Baptism - 1st September 1690
Jonathan son of Richard Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 7th September 1690
Barbara daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 9th July 1691
John son of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
St Andrew, Penrith
Baptism - 6th August 1691
Mary daughter of Anthony & Helen Ireland
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Burial - 30th August 1691
Hugh Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 26th November 1692
Margaret Ireland & John Beomond
Marriage - 26th November 1692
Margaret Ireland & John Beomond [Hes]
St Andrew, Penrith
Baptism - 15th March 1693
Thomas son of Anthony & Helen Ireland
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Baptism - 1st August 1694
John son of John Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 28th October 1694
Anthony son of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
St Andrew, Penrith
Baptism - 16th January 1695
Sarah daughter of Anthony & Eleanor [Helen] Ireland
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Baptism - 25th November 1696
John son of Richard Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 18th January 1697
Joseph son of Richard Ireland [Hes]
St Andrew, Penrith
Baptism - 27th January 1697
Timothy son of Anthony & Eleanor [Helen] Ireland
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Baptism - 18th January 1698
Joseph son of Richard Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 10th November 1698
Margaret daughter of [Anthony] & Helen Ireland
St Mary the Virgin, Hesket-in-the-Forest
Marriage - 21st May 1701
Mabel Ireland & John Bell [Hes]
Baptism - 26th June 1701
Dorothy daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 10th July 1701
Thomas of Richard Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 20th January 1703
Margaret daughter of John Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 6th January 1704
Thomas Ireland & Hannah Wetherill [Hut]
Baptism - 10th May 1705
Abigail daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 14th November 1706
Joshua of John Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 28th November 1708
Mary Ireland & John Nevison [Hes]
Baptism - 2nd September 1711
Elizabeth daughter of Timothy Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 5th March 1712
Richard of Timothy Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 27th July 1715
Ann daughter of Timothy Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 29th December 1716
Thomas son of Thomas Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 26th June 1717
John Ireland & Mabel Rumley [Hes]
Baptism - 11th August 1718
Mark son of John Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 16th November 1718
Joseph of Timothy Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 25th February 1719
Anthony Ireland & Sarah Bownas [Hes]
Marriage - 4th June 1719
Barbara Ireland & Stephen Harrison [Hes]
Baptism - 19th January 1720
Thomas son of Edmund Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 22nd September 1720
Thomas son of Anthony Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 8th December 1720
Mary daughter of John Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 5th December 1720
Timothy of Timothy Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 12th October 1721
Joseph son of ??? Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 17th January 1722
Mary daughter of ??? Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 19th August 1722
Hannah daughter of ??? Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 12th April 1723
Elizabeth daughter of Anthony Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 7th May 1724
John son of Timothy Ireland [Hes]
aptism - 2nd September 1724
Rosamund daughter of ??? Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 17th March 1725
Thomas son of Jonathan Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 12th August 1725
Joseph Ireland & Elizabeth Bownas [Hes]
Baptism - 5th July 1726
Edmund son of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 9th February 1727
Edmund son of Edmund & Frances Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 21st January 1728
Richard son of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 12th November 1728
Alice daughter of John Ireland [Hes]
Burial - 20th February 1729
Edmund son of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 25th February 1730
Margaret Ireland & Henry Burton [Hes]
Baptism - 30th November 1730
Johanis son of Johanis & Mabel Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 5th July 1736
John Ireland & Mary Richardson [Hes]
Baptism - 15th April 1742
Jonathan son of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Burial - 6th June 1742
Jonathan son of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 24th January 1728
Richard son of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 13th April 1731
Isabella daughter of Jonathan & Margaret Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 16th April 1731
Elizabeth daughter of Daniel & Jane Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 7th May 1731
Maria daughter of Thomas & Jane Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 11th March 1732
Jane daughter of Daniel & Jane Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 23rd August 1732
Jane daughter of Timothy & Mary Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 1st September 1734
Joseph son of Jonathan & Margaret Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 24th October 1734
Frances daughter of Edmond & Frances Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 5th March 1735
Sarah daughter of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 26th August 1735
Hugh son of Timothy Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 12th July 1739
Barbara daughter of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Burial - 1st May 1740
Barbara daughter of Anthony Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 27th November 1740
Richard son of Jonathan & Margaret Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 19th November 1741
Joshua Ireland & Hannah Dixon [Hes]
Baptism - 8th October 1742
John son of Joshua & Hannah Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 6th December 1743
Hannah daughetr of Joshua & Hannah Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 18th March 1748
Sarah daughter of Joseph & Mary Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 14th March 1750
Anthony son of Joseph & Mary Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 1753
John Ireland & Margaret Wiseman [Hes]
Baptism - 28th January 1753
Margaret daughter of Jonathan & Barbara Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 6th July 1753
Mary daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 2nd July 1755
Catharine daughter of Thomas Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 10th June 1756
Mary Ireland & Joseph Barnfather [Hes]
Baptism - 16th January 1758
Thomas son of John & Mary Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 3rd March 1759
Thomas son of Thomas Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 8th December 1760
Richard Ireland & Margaret Wallas [Hes]
Marriage - 2nd June 1762
John Ireland & Elizabeth Harrison [Hes]
Baptism - 8th October 1762
Anthony son of John & Mary Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 1st May 1763
Edward Ireland & Mary Scott [Hes]
Baptism - 14th November 1763
Margaret daughter of Edmund & Mary Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 28th December 1763
Sarah daughter of Richard & Mary Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 9th February 1768
John Ireland & Jane Stockdale [Hes]
Baptism - 21st May 1768
Elizabeth daughter of Edmund & Mary Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 4th January 1769
Anne daughter of Richard & Margaret Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 4th September 1769
Anne daughter of John & Jane Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 28th December 1769
Richard son of Edmund Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 9th August 1770
Catherine daughter of Richard & Margaret Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 11th December 1772
Mary daughter of Edmund & Mary Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 9th February 1778
Fanny daughter of Edmund & Mary Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 25th September 1778
Jane daughter of John & Jane Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 28th October 1780
Sarah Ireland & John Bowman [Hes]
Baptism - 6th September 1782
Mary daughter of Thomas & Sarah Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 26th August 1782
Thomas Ireland & Sarah Toppin [Hut]
Baptism - 6th September 1782
Sarah daughter of Thomas & Sarah (Toppin) Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 20th January 1786
Hannah daughter of Thomas & Sarah (Toppin) Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 23rd February 1789
Mary Ireland & John Reay [Hut]
Baptism - 26th April 1791
Margaret daughter of Thomas & Sarah (Toppin) Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 9th February 1792
Elizabeth Ireland & William Bowman [Hut]
Baptism - 26th February 1796
John son of Thomas & Sarah (Toppin) Ireland [Hes]
Marriage - 28th July 1796
Margaret Ireland & John Nixon [Hut]
Marriage - 26th December 1798
Fanny Ireland & William Jackson [Hut]
Baptism - 17th July 1806
John son of Mary Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 6th May 1813
William son of Mary Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 27th May 1815
Hannah Ireland & Joseph Wilson [Hut]
Marriage - 19th February 1819
Margaret Ireland & John Noble [Hut]
Marriage - 6th May 1826
Hannah Ireland & Hugh Beaumont [Hes]
Baptism - 21st February 1830
Thomas son of John & Margaret Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 8th April 1832
Jane daughter of John & Margaret Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 22nd June 1834
Mary daughter of John & Margaret Ireland [Hut]
Baptism - 27th January 1839
John son of John & Margaret Ireland [Hut]
Marriage - 19th February 1841
Jane Ireland & Joseph Bell [Hes]
Baptism - 3rd February 1842
Elizabeth daughter of James & Isabella Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 12th October 1843
Jane daughter of James & Isabella Ireland [Hes]
Baptism - 2nd November 1848
Joseph son of James & Isabella Ireland [Hes]
Memorial Inscription
In memory of Samuel Ireland surgeon of Carlisle who died 27th January 1819 aged 34 years.....